About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

6 Months Old !!!!!

Well our little man is now a 1/2 year old :-) Just thought I'd Post some photos.
He decided that he was old enough to feed himself yesterday...silly boy :-) We haven't been out any where in the last few days due to it being so Cold. Even the poor dogs are having a hard time going out to do their business ...lol

Hope you enjoy the photos


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Hello All,
Hope you are all doing well. Hard to believe that in only 8 more sleeps mom will be here for a visit. We are looking forward to the visit and I am also looking forward to the trip to Winnipeg to go Shopping !!!!!!! :-) Hoping Devin will be in a good mood that day :-)

Devin was weighed today and he is now a whopping 21 lbs and 28 inches long .... WOW ...How fast my baby is growing. We have now also added peas, carrots & sweet potatoes to his supper time menu, but bananas are still his Fav.
Other than that there is not a lot more news, we have finished Devin's new bedroom. We are still staying with the Winnie the Pooh stuff till he is about a year then we will get something else. We are thinking curious George ( since that is what Rodney & I call him ...lol) but it seems really hard to find...if any of you see it please let us know where !!!

I have attached a few photos Hope you all enjoy.

Love Janis Rodney Devin & Critters.
Devin in his new back carrier ... He Loves It !!
What a Hansome Dude !!!
Look AT Me Im Such A Big Boy !!!
Who Me ???

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year !!!!!!!!!

Wow!!! 2007 Has arrived !!!! Not sure where the last year went… but it sure has been a busy, exciting & a very memorable one.

Everyone in the family has stayed Healthy this past year and Grammie young Turned 93 …Wow! Mark is now a Welder and has finished all his schooling. There are now three new precious family Members that all arrived with in 6 ½ months of each other, which means Rodney’s Mom’s & Dad’s grandchildren # went to 8 ...lol

Devin is our pride & Joy and we could not have ever received a better gift in this world, seeing his little smile every morning just puts us on top of this world, I knew being parents would change us but I had no idea how much…
Babs, Buster, Cinder & Tizer are all doing grrrreat & and the have been very good with Devin, Devin just loves them and we have to be careful because he will now tear patches of hair from Tizer ( She just stays and takes it …lol). Cinder got a bit crazy during the New years Celebration (I have attached a photo) …lol …silly Dog…lol
We had a quite new year at home with Tina & Rick. Devin was sound asleep as 2007 rolled in but did wake up at 12:05 for a New Years Kiss…lol
Our first day of 2007 has been spent at home with Aunt Barb, Uncle Ron ,Tina, Rick, Britney & Michael. All at the house for supper with us. And of course, Devin was the center of attention…lol
Well I hope you all have a great 2007 and I hope the New Year is full of great things for you all.

Love Janis, Rodney, Devin & Critters