About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I Know I know !!!!

I'm a Slacker...lol I should be doing this blog thing a lot more, but I have to blame it on face book...lol I only have a bit of time each day & I am usually on facebook rather than doing this one....I will have to try and change my ways ...lol

Anyways hope you all are doing great and that you are all enjoying the summer so far, any big plans for Canada Day weekend ? Since its Devin's First we are going to try to do something special. ......
WOW ..I forgot I had this here...lol.... Well for Canada Day we just took Devin to the park, he was very tired by the time we got there so he look a bit grumpy in his photos :-)

Well Lets see what is new since .....
We took Devin fishing for the first time, never caught anything but it was the thought that counts.
Yesterday was Devin's 1st Birthday!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVIN !!!! I was happy and sad all at the same time, I still can't get over the fact I have a one year old....how time flies by. He had a wonderful day... & we thank everyone who came over and a big thank you to "Aunt " Tina for making him two cakes :-)
We Started his birthday party out side, but due to a huge Thunder storm we had to move it inside. His Smash cake was Jason From the Friday the 13th moves ...lol....anyone who knows us well enough will know that we just had to do something different since his 1st birthday was on Friday the 13th ...lol

Well I must get going and I will be sure to try and post more often, if I don't please send me nasty e-mail...lol

Love Janis Rodney & Devin

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Just an Update :-)

Well Hello Everyone

I thought it was about time for me to take the time to sit and actually do a post …lol. All has been going well and we are enjoying having Nan & Pop up for their visit.
We have been very busy and have done a lot of site seeing; we have been to the Souris swinging bridge, the International peace gardens and out to the park here in Brandon.
Devin is doing great and he is now trying to run rather than walk and he is starting to “talk” a little more. I am still amazed at how much he can do for his age. Rodney told him to night to “go get the ball & Play ball with Dad” and he walked straight to over got the ball and threw it to his Daddy….lol … I was in total amazement.
Baby Crocker is also doing well and as of my last appointment I have only gained 51/2 pounds so far and the baby’s heart rate is doing great. Only 3 more months till we get to meet our precious baby.

Well I must get going and I will be sure update soon.