About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Kent Party !!

Well another weekend down , another party down, This weekend was Our weekend to say goodbye to our Assistant manager Aaron, He is now the Manager of another Kent store...So Congratulation, and we will all miss you. I guess Steve will have to be the one to handle the cranky customers I put through......LOL.
We all went to Joanna's then to Krystal's then of to the Rocking Rodeo again. Its been Great having so many close friends down here to go out with especially since Rodney is away. It will be very hard to leave them all behind come September, I guess that has to be the only down fall of the military life. But then again it also is good because you get to meet so many different people that you end up with friends all over Canada.

Rodney is doing well and still wishing it was the last week of his course, the Crazy nut and his friend NEWF drove 3 hrs (in total) yesterday for Mary Browns...I guess ya gotta do what ever ya can to keep yourself busy up there.
Today is going to be a relaxing one Chandra and I are going to go to Wal-Mart with Sarah, then Maybe the pool on base.
Well Take Care Everyone
Talk to you all later
Love Janis

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

One Month Down :-)

One month down and only two more to go; Then Rodney will be home ….before ya know it I’ll be counting the sleeps….We chat every night and he is doing well, they have started a different type of truck and only has one more type to do. He is looking forward to our trip to Newfoundland in September so that should make the time go by faster. We are planning on just going as far as the cabin the first night and getting up the next morning to go to Woody Point. Mom and Dad Crocker Have said that they will come out to the cabin for a night with us, so we are looking forward to spending some time with them. Well that’s my blog for today, I will try to write every second day or so cause not enough happens each day ….But I will try my best….Take care everyone :-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Welcome to Janis & Rodneys Blog

Hello Everyone,

Just thought I would take the time to create our very own blog to keep every one updated on Rodney and I . Please Keep in touch with us, we love to hear from all of you .

Love Janis & Rodney

Babs, Buster & Cinder

Here are three of our four legged kids..lol (ltR)Babs and Buster are 6 years old and Cinder is 1 1/2 and still full of puppy love.

Tiza & Tizer

Well first let me explain the names... Tiza stands for tiz -a- cat and Tizer stands for Tiz-er-friend.... Bet ya can't guess who came up with those names...Tiza was our fist fluffy feline, she came to just while Rodney was home on leave from bosnia. and Tizer just came to us last summer while we were fostering her and her 5 babys. She just became part of the family.

Frank & Georgina

Last but not least, We have frank and Greogina our ferrets. Any one who knows Rodney well knows that he always wanted ferrets and well ya all know he married the one who would never say no to having animals..lol We got Georgina as a Rescue from the spca in ontairo and ofcourse He just could see her being all alone so we had to get her a boyfriend thats when frank came into the picture.

Manitoba here we come !!!

Well As you all know Rodney has been away on his OT which mean we had to be posted again ! We have been told that it is Shilo Manitoba, We have been hearing mixed reviews on this place, it seems to be love it or hate it ...... But No matter what you have to go with the mind set that you are going to enjoy it. We are both very excited to go some where new and see new things so we are sure we will be in the love it group... We will be moving during the first or second week of October...But we are going home for a visit first, I Will arrive in Deer Lake on the 23rd and Rodney flight comes in at midnight on the 28th ....There will be one excited girl at the deer lake airport that night I tell ya...lol

Girls Gone Wild....He He

Well July 15th was an anniversary I will not forget, Since it was Our 5th the girls though it to be a good Idea to hit the town…and that we did.
First we went to Melanie’s house for a few drinks then went to The Rodeo \ Sweetwater’s where we danced the night away, I’ am very thankful that Rodney Called at 4am so I was able to take some t3’s and hit the sac again to wake up hangover free…lol.
I’d Like to thank all the girls for having such a great night out with me and we will have to be sure to do it again be for I move …

Hope you like the photos…:-)