About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

We Are Here !!!!!

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that Rodney myself and the critters have all made it here, and we are getting everything back to normal. The trip was not to bad just that staying in hotels for a few weeks gets a bit old, but for the most part is was nice. We got to see the Terry Fox park and Kadabaska Falls. Before I forget I wanted to say thank you to Mel & Sarah for coming in and seeing me the day we left, it means a lot to know that I have such good friends. I have already put the Scarf and Socks to very good use. Its very cold out here and I think of you guys every day when I put on my coat.

Our major excitement of the trip was in Thunder Bay when Tiza had decided she had just about enough traveling and got out of out hotel room, So I bet ya all could just photos me , Rodney and a hotel bus boy running back and forth a back alley way trying to catch her, the bus boy caught her one only for her to wiggle away. Finally we got her cornered and Rodney managed to get a hold of her harness. I guess she just wasn't meant to be a Thunder Bay Alley Cat.....Thank goodness for that. After that experience we kept her in her kennel when taking her from the truck to the hotel room.

Rodney is back at work and is enjoying it, he should have all the courses by next year. Work Has already asked if anyone wanted to be posted in March, But we have said no, the only way we will be leaving Shilo in the near future is to be posted back to Oromocto or Gander and neither of those will be soon. So you all will have to plan a trip out west to see us.

We also would like to thank Christine and John for having us for thanksgiving dinner it was great not to have Fast food for a change. It was also very mice to see Stacey,Mike , Emily and Lenore. Even though is wasn't for very long it was still nice to see old friends.

Our Trip to Newfoundland was also great and went by to fast, but at least we got to see our family and Friends and that's what counts. I still cant believe that in a month we have drove From Newfoundland to Manitoba and are now settled in to our new house, time sure does fly.

Well I must get going talk to you all later

Love Janis

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