About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Just a blog

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to post a blog since I haven’t done so in awhile. Not a lot has happened in the last few weeks, Buster is Recovering fine from surgery and I think that his leg feels much better now.

This month has been a month of Birthdays. Moms was the 7th, Aunt Cathy’s the 9th, Rodney had his Yesterday on the 23rd, Andrews is on the 29th and Last but not least Samantha’s is on the 31st. So Happy Birthday to all of you and I hope you all had/have a Great one!

Rodney ended up working for most of his Birthday, but we went out to celebrate it last sat to a Restaurant Called Gulliver’s we had a very nice supper.

I have a Dr Appointment tomorrow, so I will be back to blog about that.

Till then Take Care

Love Janis

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Poor Buster :-(

Well our little buster, will be going in for surgery next Tuesday to have his hip fixed. Hopefully all will go well.
As for Rodney & I, everything is going very well, Rodney is enjoying work and I have started at my job, and I also am enjoying getting out of the house for a bit, it’s nice to meet new people. Our next Dr. Appointment for baby Crocker Is on Jan 25th and the next Ultrasound is on Fed 14th I will keep you all posted.
Pop Critch is doing well after his appointments with the heart Dr’s in St.Johns, He had a blockage in his heart but the put a stint in and now he is feeling like new, like Mark puts it “He just needed some new hardware and a bit of Drano ….lol”.
Well that’s all I have time for today, I have to get ready to close up the store. Take care and chat with you all later
Love Janis

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Baby Crocker :-)

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to post a few first photos of our little one.
Hope you can pick things out.
Love Janis

Hi Everyone
(Left Arm)

This is my best side !! (side view of Face)

Baby Crocker

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year Everyone!! Hope you all had a great one! And Hope you all also had a wonderful Christmas. Rodney and I had a Great Christmas & New year; we enjoyed our holidays very much.

We had another Ultrasound on the 30th of Dec and everything is still fine, the baby is about 3 -4 ounces & 71/2 cm long. The due date is now the 2nd of July so I am a week ahead (now 14 weeks 2 days) of what we thought I was so that is good news. We should get some ultrasound photos soon & I will post them as soon as I get them

Rodney now has a new guitar, so soon we will be hearing sweet music…and he is back to work on Thursday…poor baby. We are planning on going to the movies Friday night so is any of you have ideas on what good movies are playing, let us know.

In Other News Paula had her Ultrasound done today and Baby Murphy is doing Great at 20 weeks, I have attached the ultrasound photo she e-mail to us.


Well I will have to cut this short, I getting sleepy; I have attached a few other photos, Hope you enjoy.

Love Janis

My New Kitchen Floor, Rodney put in.

Our Tree !!!