About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Devins Baptism

Well Devin has been home now for one week and things are going great, We can't remember what it was like with out him, he is the greatest little baby ever....Or at least we think so ...LOL

We have had a very busy week for our first week home, we had Devin's baptism on July 20th 2006 & we would like to thank Tina & Rick for standing in for mark & Jenny as godparent proxies. Devin was a little angel & never made a sound through the whole service.

Mom & Dad went back yesterday, Devin's first trip to Winnipeg. It was very sad but mom will be back in March so we have that to look forward to . It was great to have them up with us & we give them a big thank you for all the help over the last two weeks.

Buster, Babs & Cinder are all adjusting well to having a new baby in the house & they will all check to make sure he is ok if he cries. I'm sure they will all grow to be the best of friends.

well I must get going, not sure how much time I will have before Devin is up.

Take care
Love Janis, Rodney & Devin

Devin in his baptism dress is 73 years old & was wore by his great grand father

Mommy,Daddy & Devin

Grand-ma, Daddy, Devin, Mommy & Pop !!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Our First Family Photo :-)

Baby Devin Is Here !!!!!!

Well I cant believe that that our Precious little boy will be one week tomorrow, let me start by giving all the stats on our little man. Devin Rodney was born on July 13th 2006 @ 2.53 pm at Brandon Regional health center weighing 9 lbs 6 1/4 ozs 22 inches long with light brown hair & blue eyes. Devin was born via c-section after many hours of labor that failed to progress & my cervix started to swell.

Since being home we have settled in very well & are enjoying our last few days with mom & dad before the head back home. We are having Devin’s Baptism tomorrow evening at 7pm so that mom & dad could be hear for it, Devin’s Godparents are Mark, Jenny & Rodney. Our next-door neighbors will be proxies for mark & Jenny since they could not make it up.

We will be sure to post photos as soon as I get a chance.

Love You All
Janis, Rodney & Devin