About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Rubber Ducky Your the One !!!

Hey everyone hope you are all doing well, all is going great here. Rodney has started his parental leave and will now be at home with us untill the 3rd of Feb.

Devin is doing well and we are now getting a full nights rest, we have our fingers crossed that it will stay that way for good now....lol. He rolled over from belly to back for the third time today but rodney & I both missed it..we had placed him on his belly in his crib..I ran to the washroom & Rodney had just went into our room to get his blanket which took all of 10 sec...when rodney got back , Devin was on his back looking at his mobile... we are hoping that he will do it again really soon.

I am posting a few photos of Devin in his Rubber Ducky Tub, tonight was his first time using it ...he is so cute..hehehe.

Friday, September 29, 2006

videos of devin

Just a short Clip of our little man !! I have just figured out how to get these clips on here ...lol hope you all enjoy.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Devin's Video Montage

Hello All,I hope you all enjoy the montage as much as I enjoyed making it ...I will do another as soon as we take more photos...hehehe.....

Love You all

Janis Rodney & Devin

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Elmo Is here !!!!

He’s here, he is hilarious & you just can’t help but laugh yourself once he gets going . He rolls, &kicks & stands himself back up when you tickle him. Rodney didn’t want to put him back in the box …lol
Rodney had to go to toys r us to get him because wal-mart was sold out.
Rodney leaves tomorrow for Wainright, Alberta for two days so Devin & I will be flyin solo & it will be our first time home alone. So I guess we will have some quality mommy & son time.
Anyhoo that’s all for today, but I will be trying my best to keep the blog updated often.

Monday, September 18, 2006

What will Elmo Do ?????

Well that is the Question in our house! And only one more day till we get the answers…lol Rodney has plans to battle the women of Winnipeg tomorrow …lol. I’d pay to see that, ha ha. In the last week we have discovered that Devin Really enjoys Sesame street & Elmo’s World so we thought that the new Elmo would be a great gift for our little man for Christmas. …. I will be sure to post tomorrow with all the news on what the new Elmo can do … I wonder can he change diapers :-)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sorry ...I haven't bloged !!!

Well I first must say that I am sorry that I have not been posting like I should be, but I have been very busy. So let me update you all on what is new; Devin is Two months old today, which is just crazy to think that two months has passed already. Devin is now a huge 13 lbs 15.6 ozs and is 24.5 Inches in length & he is in the 90-95 percentile for boys of his age group. He has been smiling up a storm & has started to giggle more & more.

Rodney will be done work in 18 days & he will have the next four months of to enjoy with Devin & me. I will be going back to work for one shift a week starting Oct 1, I think it will be nice to get back in the grove of things at the shop.

We are planning a trip to the international peace gardens & across to the states when Rodney is off on leave so I am looking forward to that.

Babs buster & cinder are also doing well & are adapting to having a baby in the house just fine, anyone who know s buster knows that he hardly knows he’s in the world not alone that there is now a baby in the family… & cinder & babs try to lick him to death..lol ..so we are very happy that everyone is getting along.

I m not sure If I have or not already but I would like to thank everyone who sent gifts for Devin & I hope I never forgot anyone when I sent out the thank you cards.

Well Devin is now up & its soon his lunch time so I must get going I will try my best to keep this updated. So keep checking & please post comments, we love to hear from you all.

I will post photo during the next nap time ...lol
Love Janis Rodney & Devin