About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Sorry ...I haven't bloged !!!

Well I first must say that I am sorry that I have not been posting like I should be, but I have been very busy. So let me update you all on what is new; Devin is Two months old today, which is just crazy to think that two months has passed already. Devin is now a huge 13 lbs 15.6 ozs and is 24.5 Inches in length & he is in the 90-95 percentile for boys of his age group. He has been smiling up a storm & has started to giggle more & more.

Rodney will be done work in 18 days & he will have the next four months of to enjoy with Devin & me. I will be going back to work for one shift a week starting Oct 1, I think it will be nice to get back in the grove of things at the shop.

We are planning a trip to the international peace gardens & across to the states when Rodney is off on leave so I am looking forward to that.

Babs buster & cinder are also doing well & are adapting to having a baby in the house just fine, anyone who know s buster knows that he hardly knows he’s in the world not alone that there is now a baby in the family… & cinder & babs try to lick him to death..lol ..so we are very happy that everyone is getting along.

I m not sure If I have or not already but I would like to thank everyone who sent gifts for Devin & I hope I never forgot anyone when I sent out the thank you cards.

Well Devin is now up & its soon his lunch time so I must get going I will try my best to keep this updated. So keep checking & please post comments, we love to hear from you all.

I will post photo during the next nap time ...lol
Love Janis Rodney & Devin

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