About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Oh The Joy !!!!

Ahhhh how nice it was to just stay in bed this morning , I didn’t sleep but even just to get to lay there was the best, Devin woke up at 7.45 , Rodney went out and brought him in with me while he went for a shower then brought Devin down to give him breakfast. So then I just got to relax and I have to say it was great. I was still up and out of bed by 8:45 but it was great just to have some me time. I think I will have to make more of these deals more often…LOL. ;-)
Rodney left here for Tony’s at 11:15 for his Quad ride with the boys, they are going to Carberry which is about an 11/2 away on quad and they are all leaving from Tony’s at 12:00. He was going to take the camera but ours is too big to fit in his Jacket, so I guess we will have to get him a small one so that he can take it with him.
Rodney said last night that he can bring the quad over to spruce hills so that I can take it for a little ride, the trail is smooth over there so it should be find for me to take a little ride. I think he knows how bad I want to get out for a run…LOL. Since I’m Prego there is only so many places he will let me go, so a ride at spruce woods will suit me just fine. :-)
As for Devin & I today I think we may get out for a walk if it warms up just a bit more.
Well hope you all are doing well
Love Janis Rodney & Devin

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