About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

9 Months old !!!!

Well I'm a little late with this months photos of Devin on his 9 month birthday, but better late than never ...Right !!!!..lol
Our little man is doing great, he is doing new things all the time now :-) and he amazes me everyday :-) like I said in my last post he is now up to four steps at a time on his own and he is starting to stand up for longer by himself , he is saying mama or mum , baba & he just started two days ago saying da or dada. I think he has found his mothers tongue...lol

Other than that not much is new Rodney had to go to dundurn again today & he will be back tomorrow. I have my ultrasound in the morning and I'm excited & Nervous about that I hope all goes well :-)

Well I must be off Devin is here playing in his highchair and I think he is all set to get out and play :-)

Take care Love you all

Janis Rodney & Devin

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

Hello Everyone, Hope you all had a great Easter and that the Easter bunny treated you all well. We had a Great Easter Weekend and Devin’s First Easter was a great one. So hard to believe that next Easter there will be two little ones here with us.
We have been busy the last few weeks, we all had the cold & Devin had the croup. So it what pretty stressful around this house…lol. I had My Dr. appointment last wed and everything looks great with the baby, the heart rate was 155-160bpm and we are going to book the c-section at the next appointment. I have my next Ultrasound on the 20th of April so I’m excited to see the baby again. I just hope Rodney will be able to get the day off to come with me.
Other than that not much more news . I will have another blog in a few days to post Devin’s 9 month old photos …lol
Take care
Janis Rodney & Devin