About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

More Photos

Just a few more Photos

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The house

The Green and Yellow one is mine

This one is Rodneys....he he

15 more sleeps

Hello All!!
I cant believe that we are down to 15 sleeps till Rodney is back home with me…:-) This will be my last blog till at least the 17 or 18th of October, unless I can find a computer in Deer Lake….Can’t use dads cause its from the stone age of computers (which is only 7 years old). But I will try my best to blog before then, The internet will be gone on the 15 of September and my phone will be disconnected the 16th, didn’t see much point in having them if I’m in Newfoundland….if you need us call the cell 506-461-1840 or moms house 709-635-5615.
My trip to Manitoba was very nice & I know my way around pretty good now. The house is nice, just have to change the colour of the kitchen floor…you ya know im picky…lol.
A big thank you goes out Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ron for making my stay in Brandon so enjoyable, it will be great to have family close by.
I leave for Home Sweet Home on Friday so I Should get their Sat around noon, Im so excited …:-) Well that’s all I have for now talk to you all latter
Love Janis

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Well Hello Everyone, I have landed in MB safe and sound. And I Managed not to get lost on the Drive to Shilo & Brandon, I Got to see the new place but go back tomorrow to get a real look.

On The Ride out to Brandon I all most had a mild fit while driving ......I Saw a Giant Tiger!!!!!!! Holy Crap !!!! My GTE s are not going to be over as soon as I thought, although Rodney will now have to endure the pain of becoming GTE buddy...Don't worry Chandra he will never replace you :-)

Well every one I will keep you all posted on my trip out here, I went to Aunt Barbara's & Uncle Ron's to night & had a wonderful visit, it was great to see family.

Take Care
Love Janis

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Ron's Socks

Ron Wheeler is the New Manager of Kent in Fredericton and Every since Ron has been here he has all ways questioned my better judgment on my socks!!!

….Let me explain….

Every sine I had started up stairs in the office it is all most a daily ritual to take my shoes of as soon as I have sat behind my desk ….and for those who don’t see me all the time , lets just say it would be very hard to find a plain white pair of socks in my sock drawer.

…So not long after Ron arrived to be our new manager I had wore my pink plaid socks to work, and I just happened to be in Anita office when he caught a glimpse of my socks….he must have came back and forth to look at my socks at least five or six times that day each time saying “pink plaid?”. I Finally asked Ron if he would like his very own pair? He Replied that he wanted a Fuchsia pink pair with the toes…

So yester day being my last day I made Rods Dream come true …..I place a beautiful pair of pink striped (couldn’t find all fuchsia ) socks with toes on the back of his chair with a please wear me note attached …

Here is the photo……Thanks Ron for being such a great sport…you made my last day one to Remember!!!