About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

15 more sleeps

Hello All!!
I cant believe that we are down to 15 sleeps till Rodney is back home with me…:-) This will be my last blog till at least the 17 or 18th of October, unless I can find a computer in Deer Lake….Can’t use dads cause its from the stone age of computers (which is only 7 years old). But I will try my best to blog before then, The internet will be gone on the 15 of September and my phone will be disconnected the 16th, didn’t see much point in having them if I’m in Newfoundland….if you need us call the cell 506-461-1840 or moms house 709-635-5615.
My trip to Manitoba was very nice & I know my way around pretty good now. The house is nice, just have to change the colour of the kitchen floor…you ya know im picky…lol.
A big thank you goes out Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ron for making my stay in Brandon so enjoyable, it will be great to have family close by.
I leave for Home Sweet Home on Friday so I Should get their Sat around noon, Im so excited …:-) Well that’s all I have for now talk to you all latter
Love Janis

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