About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

lets try this again !!!!

Well Lets Try this Again…. I just finished a huge blog then the dam thing got deleted…so here we go again although this one will not be as long…

Just wanted to post a few photos taken in the last little while and give a bit of an update,
The first is of bonnie & Clyde’s new home, we went to Winnipeg last Saturday and came back with a 90 gal tank, bonnie & Clyde just love it…I know we are crazy…

Next is one of Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ron, for those who do not know Aunt Barbara is My Nan Critches Sister who lives out in Brandon, It is great to have family close by and as a added bonus she makes a wicked tasting banana bread & a great newfie dinner…lol This photo was taken when they were in for a visit a few nights ago.

Last is “the bird” this is a ornament that has sat on the top of my Nan Critches tree longer then I have been in this world. When Rodney & I moved away from home we started a tradition that the ornaments on our tree would all be ones given to us and that have very special meaning, so to get us started before we left I went to everyone’s house to collected a special ornament and to get “the story” that went with it. This year Rodney and I notice that we didn’t have one from Nan Critches tree (because when we moved Nan had given us a bunch that are now used for our tree down stairs) So I called nan and asked for “The Bird” I figured I wouldn’t stand a chance but I had to try, I was happy when Nan passed it on to us with out even hesitating. The Bird was brought by Nan’s Dad for her Mom years & years ago, Nan figures it is over 70 years old. So I thank you Nan for passing something so special on to us and it will sit proudly at the top of our tree for years and years to come.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Janis. Hope you are having a great Christmas. It is snowing here. Well talk to you later.

Miss ya, Love ya,