About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ultrasound 25 weeks

Well We sill do not know if baby Crocker is a boy or girl, so I guess we will have to just wait…lol Everything went well and the baby was good and let them get all the measurements that they needed, I have to call the DR. Office in a few days to see if my placenta has moved. The baby’s heart rate was in the 155 ranges and the weight is almost 2 pounds. My next Dr appointment is in three weeks on the 12th of April, and I ’m not sure If will be having another ultrasound or not. I will keep you all updated on that.

Rodney Had is doing well and he is back to work tomorrow, but is not allowed to use his had /arm for another 8 weeks.

Other than that there is not a lot more news, Chat with you all later

Love Janis & Rodney

Rodney's cuts...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

This is a long one :-)

We have received the great news that Baby Murpy is a GIRL !!!!!, Paula had not decided on a name yet but as soon as I know I have attached a photo of the baby’s face. I sure hope we get lucky and someone slips up during the ultrasound on Tuesday and tell us the sex of our little one.

In other not so great news Rodney had a major accident on Tuesday. While I was at work, Rodney decided that he would remove the futon from the baby’s room and remodel the basement rec. He had everything finished and the last thing to do was to place our glass coffee table back where it belonged, as he was doing that he tripped and went through the glass, to protect his face he put up his arm, which resulted in 28 stitches… He Managed to drive himself to the hospital were they called me at work. I went over to find him with 3 major cuts (one was right to the muscle) a smile on his face saying “ we don’t have that coffee table down stairs anymore”…. lol. Typical Rodney… We then had to bring him to the Hospital in Brandon for the surgeon to repair the damage & stitch him up. Luckily the surgeon was a great one and he got the job done in the emergency room rather than having to have surgery. It has been 4 days since and he is starting to feel better and now has movement of his fingers.

We had a baby shopping spree yesterday, never thought I would have so much fun shopping for someone else other than me, I guess that all changes once you have a miracle on the way, even Rodney was having a great time putting things in the cart. We only have a few major things left to get and then we will be all set for the arrival of baby Crocker.

Tonight we went out for supper with our next-door neighbours, we went to Montana’s I have to say they have the best steak and I was so excited once I discovered that they have deep fried cheese cake, anyone who knows me well knows how I am for Jungle Jims chimmy cheese cake, and that I was broken hearted that there was no jungle jims in Manitoba. But my broken heart has been mended …lol …Montana’s cheesecake taste the exact same except it is in one large piece.

Well that will be it for tonight, this ended up being a lot longer than I thought, Rodney was raging on me cause I never posted anything in awhile….lol. I will post again on Tuesday after my ultra sound…

Oh I forgot to tell you all that I had a Dr. appointment on Wed (march 15) and all is going well I have gained a total of 9 pounds so far and my belly has the right measurement for 24 weeks.


Love Janis & Rodney

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Hey Everyone,

Just thought I'd post a little bit on here while I'm at work & it is not that busy.

Everything has been going great, and I will be 23 weeks tomorrow, I can't believe how time goes by so fast. Rodney is off work all next week, he had to use up all his days before the end of March, we haven't got a lot planned, may just go to Winnipeg for a day.

Busters hip is doing very well he can now walk on all four legs...lol except when he is in a hurry, then its back to three.

March only has two birthdays Matthew and Ryan, So Happy Birthday to you both. Hope you have great ones.

Well I must get going Chat with you all later, if you get a chance take a look at the photos posted on msn, there is one of between the baby's legs!!! Can you tell what it is?

Take Care
Love Janis