About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Hey Everyone,

Just thought I'd post a little bit on here while I'm at work & it is not that busy.

Everything has been going great, and I will be 23 weeks tomorrow, I can't believe how time goes by so fast. Rodney is off work all next week, he had to use up all his days before the end of March, we haven't got a lot planned, may just go to Winnipeg for a day.

Busters hip is doing very well he can now walk on all four legs...lol except when he is in a hurry, then its back to three.

March only has two birthdays Matthew and Ryan, So Happy Birthday to you both. Hope you have great ones.

Well I must get going Chat with you all later, if you get a chance take a look at the photos posted on msn, there is one of between the baby's legs!!! Can you tell what it is?

Take Care
Love Janis


Sarah and Ryan said...

I am so glad everything is going well. I can't wait till June or July and find out what you have.

Take care.
Miss ya

lovingmysoldier said...

I am having trouble getting to your pics on your MSN!! Getting so excited for you guys :)

Katie, Mike, Riley and Kyla