About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I know I know Im getting slack on my blog and I should be shot...lol but just haven't been a lot to blog about . We have been at the new place for three weeks now and are both enjoying it here very much, we go into town just about every 2nd night for Tim's and Rodney brings some home every time he does the hospital Run which is quite often So at least my cravings for Tim's are controlled...lol

We also have two new members of the family their names are Bonnie & Clyde and they belong to Rodney.

We had a very fun Halloween but it was very cold finally at 8pm the first kid I saw got all the treats we had left and we called it a night at that point we had up to 200 trick-or-treaters. I have attached a few photos one of which is of a big scary spider I found.

We are going to get out family photos done this Saturday, I will be sure to post one when we get them back.

Well other that that not much more is new ....well one thing is !!!!..... hehehe

Take care
Love Janis

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Janis, Love the photos of Thunder Bay!! Just wanted to let you know though that you have kababaska spelled wrong. It is supposed to be kakabeka falls. Thats where Darrell and I got engaged:) Looks like you had a nice drive up!