About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

So Long

Hey everyone,

I have bad news, Nan Crocker passed away on November 22,2005. Nan Crocker had lived 88 wonderful years in Woody Point, her funeral will be on Friday at 2pm. This is a time when it is bad being so far away from home & family. I guess when you think of it, now Nan can be with all our other family members that have passed on before her, like Pop and Grace, I know that they were both waiting there to great her with hugs and kisses as she arived. And for all of you that knew Grace I would like for all of just to take the time to think of her as we are quickly approching the holidays, it will be 4 years this Dec 14 but its seems like a lifetime, since we have all seen her happy smile and open arms greeting each and everyone of us. Grace you are deeply missed and we all love you.

Rodney and I are lucky to have great day to look back on, September 29,2005, the day after Rodney arrived home from Borden. We went to Woody point that day and spent quite a bit of time with Nan while Uncle Frank and I took video and photos of Nan chating with rodney from her Rockin chair, those will be memories that we will look back on and cherish for years and years to come. And we will always think of Nan, especially when we return home to see the empty Rockin Chair where she would sit and sing her little ditties (songs). So to you Nan we say So Long, not Good bye, we love you.

I want everyone at home to know that altough we can't be there with them all, everyone is in out thoughts during this time and always.

Love Janis & Rodney

1 comment:

lovingmysoldier said...

Sorry to hear about Nan Crocker. I am glad you were able to see her before you moved out west. You and Rodney are in my thoughts.

Katie, Mike, Riley and Kyla