About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Just an update

Hello, just wanted to post an update on baby Crocker &Devin.

Had an appointment Wed and the baby is doing great, with a heart rate of 155bpm, I am measuring a bit small at 18 1/2 weeks( I am 20weeks now ) but the Dr. said that is fine. We will get to find out what we are having in 8 weeks so I am excited about that. I am thinking pink although I would love to have another boy.

In the world of Devin everything is great. I never thought I would have such enjoyment just watching him play or feel so happy and excited to see him grin at me, children sure do change a persons whole out look on life that’s for sure I just cant imagine what it will feel like to have two. Last week as I Rocked Devin before bed I could feel the baby kicking at the same time, I thought that was the most amazing feeling I have ever had, Here Rodney and I thought we would never be able to have any children and now are being bless with two in two years…… Ok Ok I will stop getting all mushy & back to how Devin is doing …lol He now has his third tooth and his fourth is looking like it may be through in a week or so. He is Saying Mama & Dada and when ever he wants his own way he will start saying mummmmmmummm…lol…funny that he knows mom is the one who gives in …lol

Well I must get going time for his supper.

Take care
Love Janis Rodney & Devin

1 comment:

Quirky Christa said...

It's okay to get mushy :) You're allowed...like you said, not only 1 miracle now you're having a 2nd.