About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Baby Brake Makes 8 !!!!!!

Well we have more great news !!! Congratulations Jody & Craig…. They are expecting baby # two in Nov.

This is the craziest thing, that all the Crocker children would be expecting children of their own all in the span of 6 months … Mom and Dad Crocker are about to have their grandchildren total rise from 5 to 8. I bet they are still in shock…lol.

I was so happy to receive the e-mail from Jody this morning saying that everyone now knows about the pregnancy, Rodney & I have known for about 2 weeks now and I was just dying to put this post on our blog, I mean how often does something like this happen …it is so cool…lol. Jody said everything is going well and she is feeling good, so we wish her the best of luck.

In other news everything is doing well here and everything is also going well with Paula and baby Murphy.

Take care
Love you all
Love Janis & Rodney

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