About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Seven Months

Holy Crap where has the time gone? Can't believe that we have been living here in shilo, mb for seven months and that I am now in my seventh month of pregnancy time sure flys by when you are havin fun...lol
Everything is going well and Rodney arm is well enough to start driving at work again so he is a happy camper.
take care
Love Janis & Rodney

Seven month Baby bump !!

1 comment:

Sarah and Ryan said...

Wow i can't believe you have been gone that long. You look really good too. i am so glad that everything id going well.

Take care. love,