About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Spring time fun !!!

Well today was the first day we were able to get out & enjoy the sun & our first BBQ of the season. Rodney & I got up this morning did our housework and then headed out side for the rest of the day. We raked up the yard, put out some of our lawn furniture, Rodney cleaned the bbq & I played with the dogs. Then we toped it all off with the first BBQ, which was the best. Last night we went to Brandon to visit Aunt Barbara & uncle Ron, when we can back we went next-door to our neighbours house for a fire in the back yard, it is so nice to be able to get out of the house & enjoy the fresh air after all winter.
Rodney has started physiotherapy on his arm and things are going well with that, I have a Dr. appointment on the 12th of April & I will be 7 (28 weeks) months tomorrow (April 9th).
I have attached a few photos of the “kids” & us out side today, also one of me & Rodney taken at Aunt Barbara’s house last night (don’t mind my face I was talking …lol)

Taking it Easy

Rodney & I At Aunt Barbaras house

most of the snow that was in this photo melted today :-)

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