About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Night Out

Well last night Rodney and I had a great night out for a dinner & a movie, we went to see Stay Alive, I thought the movie was really good with a good story line, with just the right amount of jumpy parts. Rodney on the other hand enjoyed the movie but thought it should have been much more blood & guts.

We have been trying to get out as much as we can cause everyone tells us it will be much different in a few months when the baby arrives, I think the staff at Montana's knows us by name and the baby will probably arrive in this world with a steak knife in his/her hand...LOL.

The weather here has been great the last week and we are loosing most of our snow, my flower garden is clear & I am hoping the tulips & lilies I planted in Oct will soon be making a grand appearance, we are getting excited to get our backyard fenced in and the summer stuff out. I'm sure we will have a summer filled with nights out by the fire pit. I must say we have survived our first Manitoba winter with out any Major storms or problems ...Knock on wood...LOL.

Well that is my little rant for tonight, take care everyone we love you all

Love Janis & Rodney

1 comment:

Sarah and Ryan said...

Glad you had a good night out. You are right, you won't get very many after the baby is born. Call you this weekend.
