About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Well I will start by saying Happy Halloween and that I hope you all got a lot of treats and not so many tricks were played. We had a great 1st Halloween with our little Tigger; we went out to Brandon for him to go trick or treating at Aunt Barbs house were daddy & I ended up eating the treats…lol
Since my last Blog Devin has become famous in Deer Lake, NF..lol…. His Photo was put on a display cake at the Deer Lake Foodland….lol
We are going to get Devin’s weight done tomorrow so I will blog again then.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

I Always Have someting to Blog About

Well Its only been 4 Days since my Last Blog but its seems that I always have something to blog about these days…. Surprise surprise Hey !!! Well since Sunday Rodney & I went out for a nice supper while Devin went to his first Jam session at Aunt Barb’s & Uncle Ron’s House. Uncle Ron is a very Musical person and often will have a basement full of friends at the house playing all sorts of music. No Problem to tell Devin is a Newfie at Heart cause he loves the music. I am sure that in the years to come Devin will be learning how to play his very own guitar.
Last night Rodney carved our pumpkins & since it is Devin 1st Halloween I just couldn’t resist putting Devin in one. Things I do with that child…lol…. We have an appointment made to get our family photos taken on the 11th of November so they should be back in time for Christmas.
The doggies are doing well also we got cinder a new jacket since it is so cold here and she shivers every time she goes out side….lol
Well that’s all for now hope you like the photos.
Love Janis Rodney Devin & Critters

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Yummy Rice Cereal !!!!

Well tonight we thought that we would try our little man on a tiny bit of Rice cereal for the First time. Since he is now getting so big & it seems like mommy’s diner is not filling enough. (I did my research I found that if your baby is over 13lbs & had good head control while sitting upright that it is ok to start between 3-4 months) …boy was it cute. He wasn’t too sure on the whole idea but he did seem to like it. I have attached a few photos of his many cute faces!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Here are the Photos !!

Our Little Man is Also now able to stand up on his own with the help of things he would rather stand up on your laps than sit...lol I also attached a photo of him ( don't mind the drool & my PJ's it was taken just before bath time ) with his new toy that we got for him for Christmas but we decided to take it out early...lol

Aunt Barb & Uncle Ron to the rescue !!!!

A Big Thanks to Aunt Barb & Uncle Ron for Rescuing Us yesterday …….Let me explain…. We put the truck in to get a wheel aliment only to discover that the Bolts had seized which to make a very long story short we have no Truck until Thursday or Friday depending on when the parts get here…We were told that we could Drive it but it would be taking our chances … and we didn’t want to do that now that we have a very important passenger.
So I called Aunt Barb and she & Uncle Ron came to the rescue first we went to their house for a visit & pizza yummmmy !!!! Then gave us a ride home. So that was the excitement for yesterday…lol
Our Trip to Winnipeg was Great & Devin was such a good boy not a single bit of crying…. We had our fingers crossed the whole day…lol . We did some shopping at the children’s Place & Sears; we are starting to get a bit bored with the boy section in Wal-Mart.

I have attached a few pictures I took on the trip down & one of Toronto’s next goalie…. Rodney just had to get him the jersey even though it is a size 24 months…lol but he looks so cute….
...It wont upload photos right now I will do it after devin is done dinner :-)
Hope you all are doing well
Love Janis Rodney, Devin & Critters

Friday, October 13, 2006

Devins Chat with Mommy

Photos of devin

Dr. Evil ...lol My Smarty pants !!!

Mommy & Her Man All Smiles

3 Months Old, Friday 13th

Hello everyone, Just doing a quick Blog today while I'm at work, I must say that I enjoy being back and the girls here are great but on the flip side I do miss my Little Man :-( but I guess that's just a mommy thing. I have done great today & I have only called Rodney once to see how Devin is doing and to hopefully hear his little voice in the background.
Devin turned 3 months old Today and it is also Friday the 13th ... & I figured out that his First birthday will be also on Friday the 13. People say that it is bad luck but we think its great luck !!!! we have our boy what more could we ask for :-D
Devin Had been cooing up a storm this last week and it seems that he is not at a loss for words ( sounds ) ...lol...I guess that's one thing he gets from his mommy...lol I will be taking his 3 month old photo shoot when I get home...lol so I will post a few on here.
We are off to Winnipeg in the morning for the day ( if we have good weather) ..... should be fun !!!
Take care
Love Janis

Thursday, October 12, 2006

How To Make The Crocker's

How to make a Devin

5 parts success

5 parts brilliance

3 parts instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add curiosity to taste! Do not overindulge!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

How to make a Janis

3 parts intelligence

1 part courage

1 part ego
Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Top it off with a sprinkle of lovability and enjoy!


Personality cocktail
From Go-Quiz.com

How to make a Rodney

3 parts mercy

3 parts courage

1 part instinct
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add a little emotion if desired!

Monday, October 09, 2006


Lets try this again. I did a blog last night but it would not post & got deleted on me & I was just to tired to do it over …I’ll try to remember what I had wrote but I doubt I will…lol

Well Its Devin’s first thanksgiving and we could not be more thankful for anything else. We spent Devin’s first Thanksgiving supper at Tina’s & Rick’s (Thanks you guys Supper was great and delicious)

Devin also had a check up last Wed with the health nurse and he is now 15lbs 9oz and 25 ½ inches. He is now sleeping through the night and rolled over again from his tummy to back three times yesterday…we get so excited over that stuff …lol …we are silly…

My Birthday was last Thursday and thanks to all for their birthday greetings I have to say that receiving that precious smile from Devin first thing in the morning was the greatest birthday give I have ever got. Rodney also got Devin to sign my birthday card …so cute.

I have also been back to work for two shifts and I have to say it is good and bad all at the same time. Bad that I have to leave Devin but good that I am back to work and get to get out for a bit. Rodney is doing a great job at being a stay at home Daddy we will miss him in Feb when he goes back to work & we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will not be leaving on the QL5 Course on Feb 15th. We are hoping he will get to go in March instead.
Well that’s my Ramble for tonight I hope it will work when I try to post…lol

Take Care
Hope you all have a Great Turkey Day !!!!
Love Janis Rodney Devin & Critters

Monday, October 02, 2006

Just me & My Shadow !!!

While we were out today I got a lot of good shots of our furry kids so I thought I would post them since I havent in awhile, they sure enjoyed having us out in the back yayd to play with them. I think the picture of cider with her shadow is so cute...her shadow is more of a vicious pit bull than she is...lol..

Daddys first Day of Leave !!!

Well Today was Rodneys first day of Parental leave, so we decided to get out and get some yard work done & Enjoy the fresh air. I still have tulips to plant but I should get that done soon. It didn’t take Devin long to fall asleep.
Rodney now has all our fire pit wood choped & ready to go for next year...maybe if this nice weather continues we will be able to have one before the snow falls.