About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Lets try this again. I did a blog last night but it would not post & got deleted on me & I was just to tired to do it over …I’ll try to remember what I had wrote but I doubt I will…lol

Well Its Devin’s first thanksgiving and we could not be more thankful for anything else. We spent Devin’s first Thanksgiving supper at Tina’s & Rick’s (Thanks you guys Supper was great and delicious)

Devin also had a check up last Wed with the health nurse and he is now 15lbs 9oz and 25 ½ inches. He is now sleeping through the night and rolled over again from his tummy to back three times yesterday…we get so excited over that stuff …lol …we are silly…

My Birthday was last Thursday and thanks to all for their birthday greetings I have to say that receiving that precious smile from Devin first thing in the morning was the greatest birthday give I have ever got. Rodney also got Devin to sign my birthday card …so cute.

I have also been back to work for two shifts and I have to say it is good and bad all at the same time. Bad that I have to leave Devin but good that I am back to work and get to get out for a bit. Rodney is doing a great job at being a stay at home Daddy we will miss him in Feb when he goes back to work & we are keeping our fingers crossed that he will not be leaving on the QL5 Course on Feb 15th. We are hoping he will get to go in March instead.
Well that’s my Ramble for tonight I hope it will work when I try to post…lol

Take Care
Hope you all have a Great Turkey Day !!!!
Love Janis Rodney Devin & Critters

1 comment:

Aunt Barbara & Uncle Ron said...

Such a cutie!!!! You certainly have so much to be thankful for. Every day is a new day. Enjoy your bundle of joy...will grow up so fast.

Aunt Barbara & Uncle Ron