About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Friday, October 13, 2006

3 Months Old, Friday 13th

Hello everyone, Just doing a quick Blog today while I'm at work, I must say that I enjoy being back and the girls here are great but on the flip side I do miss my Little Man :-( but I guess that's just a mommy thing. I have done great today & I have only called Rodney once to see how Devin is doing and to hopefully hear his little voice in the background.
Devin turned 3 months old Today and it is also Friday the 13th ... & I figured out that his First birthday will be also on Friday the 13. People say that it is bad luck but we think its great luck !!!! we have our boy what more could we ask for :-D
Devin Had been cooing up a storm this last week and it seems that he is not at a loss for words ( sounds ) ...lol...I guess that's one thing he gets from his mommy...lol I will be taking his 3 month old photo shoot when I get home...lol so I will post a few on here.
We are off to Winnipeg in the morning for the day ( if we have good weather) ..... should be fun !!!
Take care
Love Janis

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