About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Aunt Barb & Uncle Ron to the rescue !!!!

A Big Thanks to Aunt Barb & Uncle Ron for Rescuing Us yesterday …….Let me explain…. We put the truck in to get a wheel aliment only to discover that the Bolts had seized which to make a very long story short we have no Truck until Thursday or Friday depending on when the parts get here…We were told that we could Drive it but it would be taking our chances … and we didn’t want to do that now that we have a very important passenger.
So I called Aunt Barb and she & Uncle Ron came to the rescue first we went to their house for a visit & pizza yummmmy !!!! Then gave us a ride home. So that was the excitement for yesterday…lol
Our Trip to Winnipeg was Great & Devin was such a good boy not a single bit of crying…. We had our fingers crossed the whole day…lol . We did some shopping at the children’s Place & Sears; we are starting to get a bit bored with the boy section in Wal-Mart.

I have attached a few pictures I took on the trip down & one of Toronto’s next goalie…. Rodney just had to get him the jersey even though it is a size 24 months…lol but he looks so cute….
...It wont upload photos right now I will do it after devin is done dinner :-)
Hope you all are doing well
Love Janis Rodney, Devin & Critters

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