About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Hope you all are doing well & that you all are starting to get in the Christmas Sprit…… I know I know it’s not for another 27 days but that’s not that far away. This year Rodney & I are soooo Excited since we now have Devin and this is his first Christmas. Even though he won’t understand, we are excited enough for him…lol. We were so happy to be able to watch him get his first photo taken with Santa and watch his little face looking at all the lights in the house. It sure gives Christmas a whole new meaning.
Today we put up the Tree (we usually wait till the 1st weekend in dec but since Rodney is at home this year we figured that we would put it up a few days early.) We are staring a tradition that Devin will/was the First to “place” His Name ornament on the Tree.
We got what I would call our first real snowfall today and I can’t wait to get Devin out in the snow for a Photo.

I’ve been working on the Devin Vol 2 DVD and all is going good. I should have it ready to mail out by the middle of January.

I have attached a few photos taken during the last week.
Well I must get going take care everyone
Love Hugs & Kisses
Janis Rodney & Devin
I can only get three Photos on Right now ...I will post more tomorrow.....

K Let try this now, This was also our First year with angel on the top of your tree so I thought I would post a photo of that to.

More Photos Of Gina !!!

Just Posting a few more Gina & her Big Bro. I will have another blog tonight though !!

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Gina Is Here !!!!!!

Congratulations Jody, Craig & Daymon one the arrival of the newest member of the Brake Family …Gina Rosalind (Not sure if that is how its is spelled I will check ..) Born at Western Memorial Hospital on Nov 24th 2006 with a weight of 7lbs 10ozs. That now Brings Mom and Dad Crocker’s Grandchildren total to 8... Three in the last 6 months 11 days…. Busy family…lol. As soon as I get a photo Jody’s ok I will post a photo.
Take care
Love you all
Janis Rodney & Devin

( Nov 27)

Just wanted to Add the Photos I have of Gina & Daymon, Jody took them with thte web cam so they are not the clearest but at least you all can see how cute she is & how pround Daymon is to be a big brother....Jody said she will send more photos today so I will add some more later.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Our Family Photos !!!

Well I have to say that the photos turned out great...I am having such a hard time deciding what to order...lol Hope you enjoy looking at them. ...these are just some of them....

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

4 Months old :-)

How time Flies when you are loving someone new. …Devin turned 4 months yesterday & got his Needles today. He is now 18 lbs & 261/8 inches long so that is great. I find it so had to think that 4 months have passed so soon I want time to slow down …lol
Everything else is going great Aunt barb & Uncle Ron were in for a visit today & stayed with us for supper, I have to say that I enjoy having family close by. We have decided that for Christmas Dinner we are going out to their house and for New Years We will be having them along with Rick’s family over for lupper …for those wondering what lupper is ( not quite lunch, not quite supper held at about 3 ish …lol )
We will be getting our Family photos done now on the 16th at Brandon photo rather than the 20th at wal-mart. We had our pictures done there last year so we figured we would go back to get our family ones done.
Well that’s all for now chat with you all later
Janis Rodney Devin & Critters

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Try another day !!

Well I thought I would be bogging about our family Photos today but Devin & Wal-mart had other plans… Wal-mart was behind do to a family showing up late and then they had to a re-shoot for another couple so we had to end up waiting 40 min…needless to say by the time it was our turn Rodney or Devin were in no mood to smile….so we will have to try again in the 20th…you will be all a bit late getting you Christmas card …but you should get them before Christmas.
I do however have so very cute pictures to share, Tara did a great job on them and I just have to share. I discovered that we have a Digital program on this new computer so I will even include the two I did…not have as well as Tara’s, but I am still new to all this….lol
Hope you all are doing well and I should have some more news to blog about very shortly …Jody’s baby is almost here… only 2 weeks to go. …we are getting so excited.
Well that’s all I have for today, take care everyone
Love Janis Rodney Devin & Critters

These Are the ones done by tara
And these are the ones i tryed to do...lol Just had to put him with his great grammie young !!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bloggin in Style

Hello everyone, Just a quick blog to let you all know that Devin is now 17 lbs 1 oz and is 261/2 inches tall we had our appointment on wed and the Health nurse is very pleased with how well he is growing, we were given a form to fill out once he turns 4 months to make sure he is were he should be. After reviewing the form we already notice that he is doing most things that are on there. So I’m sure he will do well when we sit down to do the test all the things on the form.

Since my last blog we got a new computer so I am Blogging in style now…lol it came with a 19inch flat screen so it feels really strange …lol. I am so excited to start working on DVDs of Devin to send home to his grandparents.

Well that’s my little blog for this evening, hope you are all doing well.

Love Janis Rodney & Devin