About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Hello Everyone,
Hope you all are doing well & that you all are starting to get in the Christmas Sprit…… I know I know it’s not for another 27 days but that’s not that far away. This year Rodney & I are soooo Excited since we now have Devin and this is his first Christmas. Even though he won’t understand, we are excited enough for him…lol. We were so happy to be able to watch him get his first photo taken with Santa and watch his little face looking at all the lights in the house. It sure gives Christmas a whole new meaning.
Today we put up the Tree (we usually wait till the 1st weekend in dec but since Rodney is at home this year we figured that we would put it up a few days early.) We are staring a tradition that Devin will/was the First to “place” His Name ornament on the Tree.
We got what I would call our first real snowfall today and I can’t wait to get Devin out in the snow for a Photo.

I’ve been working on the Devin Vol 2 DVD and all is going good. I should have it ready to mail out by the middle of January.

I have attached a few photos taken during the last week.
Well I must get going take care everyone
Love Hugs & Kisses
Janis Rodney & Devin
I can only get three Photos on Right now ...I will post more tomorrow.....

K Let try this now, This was also our First year with angel on the top of your tree so I thought I would post a photo of that to.

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