About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Monday, December 04, 2006

News News & More news !!!!

Well not that much but it sure seems like a lot. So I will do it the Chandra way (Try and list as may new things in one blog Chandra got 30 but I don’t think I can get that much) …lol

1. Devin went to the health nurse & is now weighing in at 19 ½ ozs and is 27inches and a bit…lol.
2. Devin sat in the snow for the First time today :-)
3. Devin is now rolling over like a little mad man.
4. He will sit up by himself for up to 20-30 sec at a time.
5. We got the new table top (the one we got showed bumps from the hinges underneath)
6. The new mattress will arrive on wed (the delivery guys broke …yes Broke … our new King size mattress trying to get it up the stairs …grrrr)
7. Went to Brandon to see the light park … so pretty…. Got to love Christmas.
8. My cousin Trina had a baby Girl…Congrats… To them.
9. Auntie Chandra did a blog for Devin.
10. I have been working on my next DVD.
11. I have my entire Newfoundland Christmas card list sent out.
12. Daymon went to the store all by himself like a big boy.
13. Ryan is now taking the bus to school (since paradise elementary closed)
14. Rebecca can now stand up in her crib
15. Gina has her 1st dr appointment tomorrow
20. Aunt Barbara & Uncle Ron were in for a visit
21. We have found a Butcher to get our Meat from …yummy …
22. Aunt Florence is sending me the cook book that was advertised in the NL Herald yummy… Christmas cookies…..
23. Babs, buster Cinder & Tizer are all doing well.
24. I got all Rodney’s Christmas shopping done … thank god!!
25. Devin received his 1st Christmas card (from Great Nan & Great Pop)
26. Devin Tried Bananas
27. It has been crazy cold here -31 yesterday morning.
28. Holy Crap Chandra was right this is crazy hard…lol
29. We are going to Brandon tomorrow
30. WOW I made it to Thirty ….so Chandra you have to share your # thirty …We Both Rock….lol
Lets Make a 31. We have to have a GT Experience this summer…lol
Well now after all that I am ready to go sleep in my broken bed…lol … (not that bad just the spring on Rodney’s side…hehe)

I have attached a few photos hope you all enjoy.

Love Janis Rodney & Devin

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