About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


Thought I would post a few photos from the last week. Devin opened his first present today from his Uncle Mark & Aunt jenny. It was cute to see him pulling on the paper to get it open. Even Cinder Helped Rodney un wrap a little gift...lol ....Rodney went out and finished up what he had to do today & I am going to try my best not to go anywhere near the stores in Brandon till after Christmas. We are also officially ready for Christmas, Wow that feels great to say!! Devin has an appointment on wed with the health nurse so I will blog again then, Hope you are all doing well, take care and I will be posting soon.
Love Janis Rodney & Devin

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