About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Gina Is Here !!!!!!

Congratulations Jody, Craig & Daymon one the arrival of the newest member of the Brake Family …Gina Rosalind (Not sure if that is how its is spelled I will check ..) Born at Western Memorial Hospital on Nov 24th 2006 with a weight of 7lbs 10ozs. That now Brings Mom and Dad Crocker’s Grandchildren total to 8... Three in the last 6 months 11 days…. Busy family…lol. As soon as I get a photo Jody’s ok I will post a photo.
Take care
Love you all
Janis Rodney & Devin

( Nov 27)

Just wanted to Add the Photos I have of Gina & Daymon, Jody took them with thte web cam so they are not the clearest but at least you all can see how cute she is & how pround Daymon is to be a big brother....Jody said she will send more photos today so I will add some more later.

1 comment:

Quirky Christa said...

She's beautiful, congrats to Jody, Craig and Daymon.