About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Well I just want to post another little clip of Devin so I thought I'd do a little update with it.
Not a lot is new around here Rodney is back at work While Devin & I are keeping busy at home. I just can't wait till it gets warmer here so we can start going outside more. Last week Dee and Amy came over for a "play date " it was so cute to see Devin with her and of course he tried to pull her hair...LOL.
I have been starting to feel a bit better over the last week or so but I must say that I have been a lot sicker with this little one than I was with Devin. Mom thinks its a girl and that "she" is making me as sick as I made Mom ...Payback ...LOL. I have an ultrasound on the 6th of March & Dr. appointment on the 7th of march so fingers crossed all will go well and we will get to see a heart beat and a growing baby :-) I will be just about 11 1/2 weeks.
Nan & Pop will be up for a visit on may 30th for about 2 weeks so we are looking forward to that, I need more Eversweet...LOL
Mom Crocker had a Birthday " HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM" on the 24th and Gina turned three months. Jody said she is doing great and even started her on cereal.
Now to the whole reason I started my blog Our little man !!!! he is now into Everything and will cruise along the couch and along all his toys. I caught him going along his toys last night on cam so I thought I would post it ( Not that Im proud of him or anything...LOL )
Hope you all enjoy
Love You all
Janis Rodney & Devin

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Man on the move !!!

Well I finally caught the little man on video Crawling, so I just had to share will everyone ...LOL Up until a few days ago he would just crawl a bit them do a belly flop and go along on his belly but I have to say that now he is officially crawling ..... We are so excited :-)
Hope you enjoy the clip
Love Janis Rodney & Devin

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

7 Months old !!!!

I'm still in shock that my baby boy is now 7 months old and that in 7 month there will be another little baby in the house ( fingers crossed that all goes well )
We started our day out with watching our daddy leave for work, I have to say I did not enjoy seeing Rodney in his combats :-(. It has been a fun day and we even cooked some cookies. Devin has been a good little boy like he always is...lol so it has been a easy day.
Although he did not want to have much to do with his 7 month photo shoot ...he hates having clothes on .... we could be in trouble when he gets older ...lol I had to start pretending to sneeze to get him to start smiling.
I can't get over how much he has learnt to do in the last month it is just truly amazing. On Feb 5 His first tooth broke through on the 7 the he learnt how to sit up from his belly completely on his own with out our help. since then he is now pulling himself up onto just about anything and the other night he just about gave me a heart attack buy taking a step from the couch to the coffee table which he has done a few times now (I will attach the video... (Warning he does fall down at the end but he is fine ..LOL ) So needless to say he is keeping mommy on her toes today.

Well that is just our little blog to update you all in the world of Devin ...LOL I have also attached a photo of Rebecca , she is 9 months old today :-)

Love you all
Janis Rodney & Devin

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hello Everybody!!!! I know I should be shot. Because I have been so bad at blogging lately, but we have been very busy, and there are many exciting things happening around here since the last blog.

Mom was up for a three-week visit (Wow it has been a long time since my last blog), we Just got back from bring her to the airport, Rodney Devin, I spent last night down there, and drove home this morning. Mom had a great time up with us and we hated to see her have to go back, Devin Will sure miss his Grand-ma and so will Rodney & I.

In the World of Devin, so many new things are happening. Since he has discovered that he can sit up by himself, he has not stopped. He is now climbing up on things, scooting across the floor like wild fire (although I still would not call what he does Crawling, it is more like two crawls then in to a leopard crawl and boy can he move). He loves any thing that has a cord and the cats fur …..LOL he sure is keeping us on our toes. He has also cut his first tooth and the second looks like it should be through any day now.

Well there are only 4 more days and Rodney has to go back to work…We sure are going to miss him at home. Nevertheless, I am sure Devin and I will keep each other busy.

Well I guess that is it for this evening, Time to watch a bit of TV before bed.

Take care
Love Janis Rodney & Devin