About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hello Everybody!!!! I know I should be shot. Because I have been so bad at blogging lately, but we have been very busy, and there are many exciting things happening around here since the last blog.

Mom was up for a three-week visit (Wow it has been a long time since my last blog), we Just got back from bring her to the airport, Rodney Devin, I spent last night down there, and drove home this morning. Mom had a great time up with us and we hated to see her have to go back, Devin Will sure miss his Grand-ma and so will Rodney & I.

In the World of Devin, so many new things are happening. Since he has discovered that he can sit up by himself, he has not stopped. He is now climbing up on things, scooting across the floor like wild fire (although I still would not call what he does Crawling, it is more like two crawls then in to a leopard crawl and boy can he move). He loves any thing that has a cord and the cats fur …..LOL he sure is keeping us on our toes. He has also cut his first tooth and the second looks like it should be through any day now.

Well there are only 4 more days and Rodney has to go back to work…We sure are going to miss him at home. Nevertheless, I am sure Devin and I will keep each other busy.

Well I guess that is it for this evening, Time to watch a bit of TV before bed.

Take care
Love Janis Rodney & Devin

1 comment:

Quirky Christa said...

Wow they grow up so fast. Where will Rodney go when he goes back to work now?