About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

7 Months old !!!!

I'm still in shock that my baby boy is now 7 months old and that in 7 month there will be another little baby in the house ( fingers crossed that all goes well )
We started our day out with watching our daddy leave for work, I have to say I did not enjoy seeing Rodney in his combats :-(. It has been a fun day and we even cooked some cookies. Devin has been a good little boy like he always is...lol so it has been a easy day.
Although he did not want to have much to do with his 7 month photo shoot ...he hates having clothes on .... we could be in trouble when he gets older ...lol I had to start pretending to sneeze to get him to start smiling.
I can't get over how much he has learnt to do in the last month it is just truly amazing. On Feb 5 His first tooth broke through on the 7 the he learnt how to sit up from his belly completely on his own with out our help. since then he is now pulling himself up onto just about anything and the other night he just about gave me a heart attack buy taking a step from the couch to the coffee table which he has done a few times now (I will attach the video... (Warning he does fall down at the end but he is fine ..LOL ) So needless to say he is keeping mommy on her toes today.

Well that is just our little blog to update you all in the world of Devin ...LOL I have also attached a photo of Rebecca , she is 9 months old today :-)

Love you all
Janis Rodney & Devin

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