About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Well I just want to post another little clip of Devin so I thought I'd do a little update with it.
Not a lot is new around here Rodney is back at work While Devin & I are keeping busy at home. I just can't wait till it gets warmer here so we can start going outside more. Last week Dee and Amy came over for a "play date " it was so cute to see Devin with her and of course he tried to pull her hair...LOL.
I have been starting to feel a bit better over the last week or so but I must say that I have been a lot sicker with this little one than I was with Devin. Mom thinks its a girl and that "she" is making me as sick as I made Mom ...Payback ...LOL. I have an ultrasound on the 6th of March & Dr. appointment on the 7th of march so fingers crossed all will go well and we will get to see a heart beat and a growing baby :-) I will be just about 11 1/2 weeks.
Nan & Pop will be up for a visit on may 30th for about 2 weeks so we are looking forward to that, I need more Eversweet...LOL
Mom Crocker had a Birthday " HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM" on the 24th and Gina turned three months. Jody said she is doing great and even started her on cereal.
Now to the whole reason I started my blog Our little man !!!! he is now into Everything and will cruise along the couch and along all his toys. I caught him going along his toys last night on cam so I thought I would post it ( Not that Im proud of him or anything...LOL )
Hope you all enjoy
Love You all
Janis Rodney & Devin

1 comment:

Quirky Christa said...

Congrats on the pregnancy!