About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Dr Appointment

Hey Everyone,

I had my Dr appointment today and in case you cant tell by the color ITS A BOY !!!!!!! our Dr did a quick ultrasound for us. We are so excited. Little Devin Rodney is in the right position to make his grand entrance into the world and all is looking great, he was even practicing his breathing during the ultrasound. My belly is not mesuring as large as it was last week but the Dr said that was because I have started to drop. but yet I still managed to gain 2 pounds in the last two weeks...lol
My next appointment is next wed.
Take care
Janis & Rodney

Here is a photo of Devins Foot & his winker ....lol

Monday, May 29, 2006

Wacky Weather

Well I have to say that Shilo, MB has the wackiest weather I have ever seen, it is almost as strange as the weather in good old Newfoundland…. Lol Last week we had the most beautiful days with the temp up close to the 30s then Friday night the thunder storms started, they have to be the most craziest thunderstorms I have ever watched and they start out of no where, all day sat was beautiful once again, then throughout sat night & Sunday morning until about 8.30am the thunder storms rolled in. which is what brings me to post this blog, as I just got back from bring Rodney to work and sat down to eat breakfast I could see little specks of white going through the air & then out of the blue down dumped the Hail, it was just crazy. I of course just had to take a few pictures. Hope you all like them.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Rebecca Grace Murphy is here !!!

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know that a huge congratulations goes out to Paula, Keith & proud big brother Ryan on the arrival of Rebecca Grace Murphy born May 13,2006 weighing in at 7lbs 8 1/2 oz. Paula & Rebecca are both doing well and expected to arrive home today.

Rebecca was suppose to be born this morning (may 15th) by c-section, Just could not wait any longer, & had to make her grand appearance before Mothers Day. But what a beautiful Mothers Day gift that is.

Hear are a few photos of our new addition to the family.

All the best

Love Janis & Rodney

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Eight Months :-) 56 Days left.

Hey everyone,

Just wanted to add a photo of my belly at 32 weeks (eight months). Hope you all had a great weekend, Rodney and I just went to brandon, and got some Flowers for the garden and some strawberry plants for our garden out back.
I have an appointment on Wed so I will updated you all then.

Take care Janis

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

April showers brought April flower !!!!...lol

Hello everyone, how are ya all doing? Everything is going well here we have been busy as bees trying to get things done. We now have a fence up and the baby’s room done.

The weather here has been great not much to grumble about other than the scattered thunder storm, which I may say are pretty wicked up here…but I wont complain cause it is great for my flower garden, at first I had one lonely tulip but now more have opened…lol

We put the fence up two weeks ago & a big thank-you to Rick & glen for helping Rodney out it up. The doggies are enjoying it very much now that they have learned “oh we can play by ourselves without mommy & daddy”…lol. We don’t keep them out all day just for a few hours hear and there.

Last weekend we did they baby’s room, well Rodney did most of it, he painted ( light green ) and put up the shelves I just helped put up the deco’s on the wall and sewed the curtains, which I still have one more to make to give it more fullness. At least now we can say it is finished. Just hope our special little someone likes it as much as we do.

Well that’s about it my last Dr. appointment went well and the next is on May 10th, had to believe that I will be 8months this Sunday coming. I will post a photo Sunday night if I remember.
Take care

Janis & Rodney