About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Monday, May 15, 2006

Rebecca Grace Murphy is here !!!

Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to let everyone know that a huge congratulations goes out to Paula, Keith & proud big brother Ryan on the arrival of Rebecca Grace Murphy born May 13,2006 weighing in at 7lbs 8 1/2 oz. Paula & Rebecca are both doing well and expected to arrive home today.

Rebecca was suppose to be born this morning (may 15th) by c-section, Just could not wait any longer, & had to make her grand appearance before Mothers Day. But what a beautiful Mothers Day gift that is.

Hear are a few photos of our new addition to the family.

All the best

Love Janis & Rodney

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