About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Wacky Weather

Well I have to say that Shilo, MB has the wackiest weather I have ever seen, it is almost as strange as the weather in good old Newfoundland…. Lol Last week we had the most beautiful days with the temp up close to the 30s then Friday night the thunder storms started, they have to be the most craziest thunderstorms I have ever watched and they start out of no where, all day sat was beautiful once again, then throughout sat night & Sunday morning until about 8.30am the thunder storms rolled in. which is what brings me to post this blog, as I just got back from bring Rodney to work and sat down to eat breakfast I could see little specks of white going through the air & then out of the blue down dumped the Hail, it was just crazy. I of course just had to take a few pictures. Hope you all like them.

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