About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Just a blog :-)

Just thought I’d Sit and blog about random stuff…lol , I and went through a bit of a block but then all of a sudden today I feel like I could blog forever, I guess It goes in spurts.
I at first thought that only crazy people like myself and chandra bloged ..lol but I have found out that that is not the case Last week while on break with melisa I found Out that she also blogs, we were like to school kids who just found out that they won tickets to a concert ..lol.
Only 5 more sleeps till Mom & Dad get here, that will be very exciting for me to have company besides animals in the house…lol I will be taking a few days off work to enjoy time with then ..and of course some shopping with Mom.

Rodney received his pictures of buster and he prefers the new Buster.. I will attach the before and after for you all to see. Rodney is doing well on his course and we are almost half way there, I just wish they (the army) would issue our posting message, even though we know we are going to Manitoba we I still have to wait for the message be for I cam go on my trip out there to get a place to live. One we get our message I am sure time will go even faster.

Well I guess that’s enough for today , Take care everyone

Love Janis

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