About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

One month to go !!!!!

Holy crap I never thought this day would come.. Only one month to the day that Rodney comes home. We are getting so excited, we were on the phone last night and talking about how quickly the time is going bye now, before we know it we will be all settled in to out new house having Christmas dinner…crazy!

Me & Chandra are going on yet another Giant Tiger experience to day, we have to try and get as many of these in before we are ripped apart form our beloved Giant tiger…lol Chandra has already begun the shopping for her new place, I say her cause this time it will be her turf not her moving into his….finally no baseball hats on the bedroom wall…Or Scarface poster above the bed Like Rodney would want to have …I mean really what is it with men and their bedrooms ? Shouldn’t the bedroom be more like your very own get away. Not a live in sports bar?….Oh sorry I totally got off on a different path…Like I was saying we are both going to enjoy as many more GTE’s as we can…I will certainly miss my shopping buddy.

I can’t believe this will be my last week of work at Kent, we all had a wonderful night out Friday night although I must say I will miss going out with all the girls.

Well Take care everyone
Chat Later

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