About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Well in in Just 35 more day Rodney will be Home good old Newfoundland. I can’t get over how fast the time has gone. The next four weeks will fly by, I finish up work on the 2nd of September the its off to Winnipeg on the 6th for five days to see our new place. I was speaking to Aunt Barbara last night (she lives in Brandon) and she & Ron gave me all the directions to get their so at least I won’t get lost.

We have accepted a full two story three bedroom with Garage. So I am very excited to see it, Rodney says I better take it cause of the garage …he will be in his glory, he already has plans to “put his car in there” and I’m Like What Car? ..lol. I don’t know Melisa Its seems I have found yet another line of attack in the women’s right for the remote…get the men a garage!!! Ha Ha! ya Know if we all team up together the remote will soon be the woman’s…buy the way mellisa don’t for get about tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night will be yet another night out for all us girls, ya got to love these …we are all going out kinda as a going away party for Chandra and myself. So I will be sure to update on that.

Well TTFN talk to you all later Take Care

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