About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Hey all? How is everyone doing ? All Is well here in Oromocto. Just wish the Rain would go away, It has Rain like Cats & dogs all night and so far today….Not that I don’t like the rain its just that it makes for much longer days …which I don’t need right now….But the good news is I am getting more and more excited to go to Manitoba.. I was talking to Lenore this morning and see how lives in Thunder Bay, so I will get to see here and the New twins… by the way Congratulation Lenore… her bundles of joy were born on Aug 12 and weighed in at 3 12 & 3 10. I will try to get a photo on here as soon as I can. It will be so great to see Lenore again I haven’t seen her in person Seven years…that crazy! And before our stop in Thunder Bay we have arranged a stop over In Petawawa to see Katie ( who is In labour as I type…)Mike, John & Christine , Chris & Sherry and all there little ones….May be we need two nights in Petawawa…lol

I think this will be the best move we have ever had … I guess it goes to show that even though military life moves you around all the time its not really that bad because you get to meet and make so many wonderfull Friends along the way. Just like the great friends I have met here in New Brunswick and I m sure it won’t be that long be we are traveling through and stopping by to say hello.

Well That’s my vent for today
Take Care everyone

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