About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

I Know I know !!!!

I'm a Slacker...lol I should be doing this blog thing a lot more, but I have to blame it on face book...lol I only have a bit of time each day & I am usually on facebook rather than doing this one....I will have to try and change my ways ...lol

Anyways hope you all are doing great and that you are all enjoying the summer so far, any big plans for Canada Day weekend ? Since its Devin's First we are going to try to do something special. ......
WOW ..I forgot I had this here...lol.... Well for Canada Day we just took Devin to the park, he was very tired by the time we got there so he look a bit grumpy in his photos :-)

Well Lets see what is new since .....
We took Devin fishing for the first time, never caught anything but it was the thought that counts.
Yesterday was Devin's 1st Birthday!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEVIN !!!! I was happy and sad all at the same time, I still can't get over the fact I have a one year old....how time flies by. He had a wonderful day... & we thank everyone who came over and a big thank you to "Aunt " Tina for making him two cakes :-)
We Started his birthday party out side, but due to a huge Thunder storm we had to move it inside. His Smash cake was Jason From the Friday the 13th moves ...lol....anyone who knows us well enough will know that we just had to do something different since his 1st birthday was on Friday the 13th ...lol

Well I must get going and I will be sure to try and post more often, if I don't please send me nasty e-mail...lol

Love Janis Rodney & Devin

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Just an Update :-)

Well Hello Everyone

I thought it was about time for me to take the time to sit and actually do a post …lol. All has been going well and we are enjoying having Nan & Pop up for their visit.
We have been very busy and have done a lot of site seeing; we have been to the Souris swinging bridge, the International peace gardens and out to the park here in Brandon.
Devin is doing great and he is now trying to run rather than walk and he is starting to “talk” a little more. I am still amazed at how much he can do for his age. Rodney told him to night to “go get the ball & Play ball with Dad” and he walked straight to over got the ball and threw it to his Daddy….lol … I was in total amazement.
Baby Crocker is also doing well and as of my last appointment I have only gained 51/2 pounds so far and the baby’s heart rate is doing great. Only 3 more months till we get to meet our precious baby.

Well I must get going and I will be sure update soon.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Just want to Let you know there is a Small Arrow on the Bottom Right Hand side to flip through the pages :-)

Family Visit
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Ten Months Old & Happy Mothers Day !!!

Well Another month has passed, our little man is getting bigger & bigger, cousin Rebecca is now the Big One and only 4 more months till baby Crocker arrives. I don’t know how many times I have said this but time sure does go by fast.
My first Mothers Day was great and we just went to Brandon for the afternoon, I was able to get a few flowers to do the pots I have for the steps, I’m still not to sure what I’m going to do with the flower bed, I need it to be very easy to care for what ever it will be. My Tulips & daffodils have come up, and they are looking pretty good.
I have included some photos of Rebecca’s first birthday as well.
Hope you are all doing well.
Janis Rodney & Devin

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Devin Is Walking Woooo Hooooo !!!!!

Just wanted to post a clip of devin walking, he is now going everywhere he will just let go and walk ...it is so exciting :-) just had to share :-)

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Just an update

Hello, just wanted to post an update on baby Crocker &Devin.

Had an appointment Wed and the baby is doing great, with a heart rate of 155bpm, I am measuring a bit small at 18 1/2 weeks( I am 20weeks now ) but the Dr. said that is fine. We will get to find out what we are having in 8 weeks so I am excited about that. I am thinking pink although I would love to have another boy.

In the world of Devin everything is great. I never thought I would have such enjoyment just watching him play or feel so happy and excited to see him grin at me, children sure do change a persons whole out look on life that’s for sure I just cant imagine what it will feel like to have two. Last week as I Rocked Devin before bed I could feel the baby kicking at the same time, I thought that was the most amazing feeling I have ever had, Here Rodney and I thought we would never be able to have any children and now are being bless with two in two years…… Ok Ok I will stop getting all mushy & back to how Devin is doing …lol He now has his third tooth and his fourth is looking like it may be through in a week or so. He is Saying Mama & Dada and when ever he wants his own way he will start saying mummmmmmummm…lol…funny that he knows mom is the one who gives in …lol

Well I must get going time for his supper.

Take care
Love Janis Rodney & Devin

Thursday, April 19, 2007

9 Months old !!!!

Well I'm a little late with this months photos of Devin on his 9 month birthday, but better late than never ...Right !!!!..lol
Our little man is doing great, he is doing new things all the time now :-) and he amazes me everyday :-) like I said in my last post he is now up to four steps at a time on his own and he is starting to stand up for longer by himself , he is saying mama or mum , baba & he just started two days ago saying da or dada. I think he has found his mothers tongue...lol

Other than that not much is new Rodney had to go to dundurn again today & he will be back tomorrow. I have my ultrasound in the morning and I'm excited & Nervous about that I hope all goes well :-)

Well I must be off Devin is here playing in his highchair and I think he is all set to get out and play :-)

Take care Love you all

Janis Rodney & Devin

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

Hello Everyone, Hope you all had a great Easter and that the Easter bunny treated you all well. We had a Great Easter Weekend and Devin’s First Easter was a great one. So hard to believe that next Easter there will be two little ones here with us.
We have been busy the last few weeks, we all had the cold & Devin had the croup. So it what pretty stressful around this house…lol. I had My Dr. appointment last wed and everything looks great with the baby, the heart rate was 155-160bpm and we are going to book the c-section at the next appointment. I have my next Ultrasound on the 20th of April so I’m excited to see the baby again. I just hope Rodney will be able to get the day off to come with me.
Other than that not much more news . I will have another blog in a few days to post Devin’s 9 month old photos …lol
Take care
Janis Rodney & Devin

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Oh The Joy !!!!

Ahhhh how nice it was to just stay in bed this morning , I didn’t sleep but even just to get to lay there was the best, Devin woke up at 7.45 , Rodney went out and brought him in with me while he went for a shower then brought Devin down to give him breakfast. So then I just got to relax and I have to say it was great. I was still up and out of bed by 8:45 but it was great just to have some me time. I think I will have to make more of these deals more often…LOL. ;-)
Rodney left here for Tony’s at 11:15 for his Quad ride with the boys, they are going to Carberry which is about an 11/2 away on quad and they are all leaving from Tony’s at 12:00. He was going to take the camera but ours is too big to fit in his Jacket, so I guess we will have to get him a small one so that he can take it with him.
Rodney said last night that he can bring the quad over to spruce hills so that I can take it for a little ride, the trail is smooth over there so it should be find for me to take a little ride. I think he knows how bad I want to get out for a run…LOL. Since I’m Prego there is only so many places he will let me go, so a ride at spruce woods will suit me just fine. :-)
As for Devin & I today I think we may get out for a walk if it warms up just a bit more.
Well hope you all are doing well
Love Janis Rodney & Devin

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Update update !!!!!

Well Hello Everyone,

I almost died when I seen how long it has been since my last blog, I am getting worst at updates than Chandra …LOL ( JK Chandra, but we both know we are getting bad at bloggin )

SO were do I begin ….. Well lets start with my Dr. Appointments for the baby. All is going great and I am 14 weeks along now according to the last ultrasound that we had on the 7th the next appointment will be on the 4th of April with an ultrasound on the 22nd of April.

Now for the Devin department, he is doing great we had a bit of a scare with him on the 6th when he decided to take a trip down the basement stairs, he is one lucky boy and all he got was a tiny little bruise on the top of his forehead. I tell ya grace was with him that day. We brought him out the ER just to make sure all was ok & he spent more time playing with the DRs Tags than anything else…LOL. He also just turned 8 Months old WOW!!!! How time goes by ….can’t believe that in 4 months we will be having a 1st birthday party ….Just crazy!!!

We had a couple days where the weather was great and we were able to get out for a walk, it was great and I tell ya the fresh air did wonders for Devin and he has been sleeping right through the night every since, keep my fingers crossed that it keeps up. And I hope the weather starts to get nice again so we can get our in the evening. Right now it is so nice & sunny but it is -15, so that sucks.

Rodney is on top of the world now that he has a new Wife…LOL… Or at least that what I call it since he is in love with it …He got his Quad last week and he has been one happy happy camper ever since , I just can’t wait till I have the baby so that I can get our for a run with him . So far I’ve only driven it in the drive way (across the huge puddle in the drive way to be exact). I had Devin in the back carrier so we couldn’t go far. Rodney and the boys are planning a day trip for sat afternoon so I will try to convince Rodney to take the camera. We have made a deal that Sundays will be Our Family day, so we will get one full day with him home.

Well I started this at 10:30 am and it now 7:39 pm….lol thank God that I started it in word…LOL Well now I can put in a little about our day. Dee and Amy came over this afternoon so that was a great way to past the time and for most of this evening Devin & I were on the web cam with Mom & Dad its great for them to see how good Devin is at getting around. Rodney Drove his “wife” back to work and went out for another ride tonight…lol..I have already made another deal that since he is going out on Sat & he has to work on Sun. that I get to sleep in on Sat and that he will get up with Devin …..Come on sat …LOL . As I finish this up Rodney is Driving Devin around the house in his car...soon time for a bath so I have to run.

Well every one I will try my best to keep this updated more, take care .

Love Janis Rodney & Devin

Monday, February 26, 2007

Well I just want to post another little clip of Devin so I thought I'd do a little update with it.
Not a lot is new around here Rodney is back at work While Devin & I are keeping busy at home. I just can't wait till it gets warmer here so we can start going outside more. Last week Dee and Amy came over for a "play date " it was so cute to see Devin with her and of course he tried to pull her hair...LOL.
I have been starting to feel a bit better over the last week or so but I must say that I have been a lot sicker with this little one than I was with Devin. Mom thinks its a girl and that "she" is making me as sick as I made Mom ...Payback ...LOL. I have an ultrasound on the 6th of March & Dr. appointment on the 7th of march so fingers crossed all will go well and we will get to see a heart beat and a growing baby :-) I will be just about 11 1/2 weeks.
Nan & Pop will be up for a visit on may 30th for about 2 weeks so we are looking forward to that, I need more Eversweet...LOL
Mom Crocker had a Birthday " HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM" on the 24th and Gina turned three months. Jody said she is doing great and even started her on cereal.
Now to the whole reason I started my blog Our little man !!!! he is now into Everything and will cruise along the couch and along all his toys. I caught him going along his toys last night on cam so I thought I would post it ( Not that Im proud of him or anything...LOL )
Hope you all enjoy
Love You all
Janis Rodney & Devin

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Man on the move !!!

Well I finally caught the little man on video Crawling, so I just had to share will everyone ...LOL Up until a few days ago he would just crawl a bit them do a belly flop and go along on his belly but I have to say that now he is officially crawling ..... We are so excited :-)
Hope you enjoy the clip
Love Janis Rodney & Devin

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

7 Months old !!!!

I'm still in shock that my baby boy is now 7 months old and that in 7 month there will be another little baby in the house ( fingers crossed that all goes well )
We started our day out with watching our daddy leave for work, I have to say I did not enjoy seeing Rodney in his combats :-(. It has been a fun day and we even cooked some cookies. Devin has been a good little boy like he always is...lol so it has been a easy day.
Although he did not want to have much to do with his 7 month photo shoot ...he hates having clothes on .... we could be in trouble when he gets older ...lol I had to start pretending to sneeze to get him to start smiling.
I can't get over how much he has learnt to do in the last month it is just truly amazing. On Feb 5 His first tooth broke through on the 7 the he learnt how to sit up from his belly completely on his own with out our help. since then he is now pulling himself up onto just about anything and the other night he just about gave me a heart attack buy taking a step from the couch to the coffee table which he has done a few times now (I will attach the video... (Warning he does fall down at the end but he is fine ..LOL ) So needless to say he is keeping mommy on her toes today.

Well that is just our little blog to update you all in the world of Devin ...LOL I have also attached a photo of Rebecca , she is 9 months old today :-)

Love you all
Janis Rodney & Devin

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hello Everybody!!!! I know I should be shot. Because I have been so bad at blogging lately, but we have been very busy, and there are many exciting things happening around here since the last blog.

Mom was up for a three-week visit (Wow it has been a long time since my last blog), we Just got back from bring her to the airport, Rodney Devin, I spent last night down there, and drove home this morning. Mom had a great time up with us and we hated to see her have to go back, Devin Will sure miss his Grand-ma and so will Rodney & I.

In the World of Devin, so many new things are happening. Since he has discovered that he can sit up by himself, he has not stopped. He is now climbing up on things, scooting across the floor like wild fire (although I still would not call what he does Crawling, it is more like two crawls then in to a leopard crawl and boy can he move). He loves any thing that has a cord and the cats fur …..LOL he sure is keeping us on our toes. He has also cut his first tooth and the second looks like it should be through any day now.

Well there are only 4 more days and Rodney has to go back to work…We sure are going to miss him at home. Nevertheless, I am sure Devin and I will keep each other busy.

Well I guess that is it for this evening, Time to watch a bit of TV before bed.

Take care
Love Janis Rodney & Devin