About Me

Rodney & I have been together for 11 years and we have just Had a baby boy , we named Devin. We look forward to having you all visit our blog to keep in touch.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

lets try this again !!!!

Well Lets Try this Again…. I just finished a huge blog then the dam thing got deleted…so here we go again although this one will not be as long…

Just wanted to post a few photos taken in the last little while and give a bit of an update,
The first is of bonnie & Clyde’s new home, we went to Winnipeg last Saturday and came back with a 90 gal tank, bonnie & Clyde just love it…I know we are crazy…

Next is one of Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ron, for those who do not know Aunt Barbara is My Nan Critches Sister who lives out in Brandon, It is great to have family close by and as a added bonus she makes a wicked tasting banana bread & a great newfie dinner…lol This photo was taken when they were in for a visit a few nights ago.

Last is “the bird” this is a ornament that has sat on the top of my Nan Critches tree longer then I have been in this world. When Rodney & I moved away from home we started a tradition that the ornaments on our tree would all be ones given to us and that have very special meaning, so to get us started before we left I went to everyone’s house to collected a special ornament and to get “the story” that went with it. This year Rodney and I notice that we didn’t have one from Nan Critches tree (because when we moved Nan had given us a bunch that are now used for our tree down stairs) So I called nan and asked for “The Bird” I figured I wouldn’t stand a chance but I had to try, I was happy when Nan passed it on to us with out even hesitating. The Bird was brought by Nan’s Dad for her Mom years & years ago, Nan figures it is over 70 years old. So I thank you Nan for passing something so special on to us and it will sit proudly at the top of our tree for years and years to come.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Good News !!!!

Hey Everyone,

We have Good News !!! For a change…. Had the Ultrasound today and the Baby is doing well at 11 weeks 2 days, the heart rate was at 156 and she/he was moving around like crazy…. Such a cool site to see. Our due date if all continues well will be the 10 of July….
Other than that, not much more news…we wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year….

Love Janis & Rodney

Friday, December 09, 2005

16 More Sleeps !!!!

How is everyone doing? I can’t believe how fast time fly’s bye and that its only 16 sleeps to Santa’s big night! Hope everyone has been really good so that they will get what they asked for.. Lol. It also seems crazy that we have been here in Shilo for just about two months. I have no idea where the time goes.

Due to my being pregnant I Haven’t really been job hunting for any major jobs & have been taken it easy, but I have found one that will be great for me right now, I will be doing part time reception at the base hair & tanning salon, I’m excited to be getting out of the house for a bit.
Rodney Starts his Christmas Vacation today, and he goes back to work on the 4th of Jan …lucky him hey!

We have posted out all our Christmas cards and I hope that I haven’t forgotten any one; if I have I am sorry. Just send me a bad e-mail…. lol

Well I must get going and I will be sure to put another post on here before Christmas, I also have a ultra sound on the 20th so I will let you know how that goes, we just have to keep hoping for the best and keep our fingers crossed that all will be fine.

Take Care
Love Janis & Rodney

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

So Long

Hey everyone,

I have bad news, Nan Crocker passed away on November 22,2005. Nan Crocker had lived 88 wonderful years in Woody Point, her funeral will be on Friday at 2pm. This is a time when it is bad being so far away from home & family. I guess when you think of it, now Nan can be with all our other family members that have passed on before her, like Pop and Grace, I know that they were both waiting there to great her with hugs and kisses as she arived. And for all of you that knew Grace I would like for all of just to take the time to think of her as we are quickly approching the holidays, it will be 4 years this Dec 14 but its seems like a lifetime, since we have all seen her happy smile and open arms greeting each and everyone of us. Grace you are deeply missed and we all love you.

Rodney and I are lucky to have great day to look back on, September 29,2005, the day after Rodney arrived home from Borden. We went to Woody point that day and spent quite a bit of time with Nan while Uncle Frank and I took video and photos of Nan chating with rodney from her Rockin chair, those will be memories that we will look back on and cherish for years and years to come. And we will always think of Nan, especially when we return home to see the empty Rockin Chair where she would sit and sing her little ditties (songs). So to you Nan we say So Long, not Good bye, we love you.

I want everyone at home to know that altough we can't be there with them all, everyone is in out thoughts during this time and always.

Love Janis & Rodney

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Now anyone can leave a comment :-)

Hey Everyone,
I think I have it fixed so that ya all can leave comments on the blog, I know befor ya had to have a blog yourself and thats why not many of you left comments, so now that I have it fixed ya all have no excuse...he he ya just have to choose "other" or "Anonymous". So I hope to here from you all. At least this way I can tell if anyone is droping in to check the blog.
Take Care Everyone

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I know I know Im getting slack on my blog and I should be shot...lol but just haven't been a lot to blog about . We have been at the new place for three weeks now and are both enjoying it here very much, we go into town just about every 2nd night for Tim's and Rodney brings some home every time he does the hospital Run which is quite often So at least my cravings for Tim's are controlled...lol

We also have two new members of the family their names are Bonnie & Clyde and they belong to Rodney.

We had a very fun Halloween but it was very cold finally at 8pm the first kid I saw got all the treats we had left and we called it a night at that point we had up to 200 trick-or-treaters. I have attached a few photos one of which is of a big scary spider I found.

We are going to get out family photos done this Saturday, I will be sure to post one when we get them back.

Well other that that not much more is new ....well one thing is !!!!..... hehehe

Take care
Love Janis

Friday, October 28, 2005

Places We Saw

Terry Fox, Thunder Bay

Kababaska Falls

Our New Home Province

Moving Day

Our Moving Truck !!!

Cinder Just couldn't cary anymore Boxes !!!

Just had to have a Rest !!!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

We Are Here !!!!!

Hello everyone,

Just wanted to let you all know that Rodney myself and the critters have all made it here, and we are getting everything back to normal. The trip was not to bad just that staying in hotels for a few weeks gets a bit old, but for the most part is was nice. We got to see the Terry Fox park and Kadabaska Falls. Before I forget I wanted to say thank you to Mel & Sarah for coming in and seeing me the day we left, it means a lot to know that I have such good friends. I have already put the Scarf and Socks to very good use. Its very cold out here and I think of you guys every day when I put on my coat.

Our major excitement of the trip was in Thunder Bay when Tiza had decided she had just about enough traveling and got out of out hotel room, So I bet ya all could just photos me , Rodney and a hotel bus boy running back and forth a back alley way trying to catch her, the bus boy caught her one only for her to wiggle away. Finally we got her cornered and Rodney managed to get a hold of her harness. I guess she just wasn't meant to be a Thunder Bay Alley Cat.....Thank goodness for that. After that experience we kept her in her kennel when taking her from the truck to the hotel room.

Rodney is back at work and is enjoying it, he should have all the courses by next year. Work Has already asked if anyone wanted to be posted in March, But we have said no, the only way we will be leaving Shilo in the near future is to be posted back to Oromocto or Gander and neither of those will be soon. So you all will have to plan a trip out west to see us.

We also would like to thank Christine and John for having us for thanksgiving dinner it was great not to have Fast food for a change. It was also very mice to see Stacey,Mike , Emily and Lenore. Even though is wasn't for very long it was still nice to see old friends.

Our Trip to Newfoundland was also great and went by to fast, but at least we got to see our family and Friends and that's what counts. I still cant believe that in a month we have drove From Newfoundland to Manitoba and are now settled in to our new house, time sure does fly.

Well I must get going talk to you all later

Love Janis

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

More Photos

Just a few more Photos

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The house

The Green and Yellow one is mine

This one is Rodneys....he he

15 more sleeps

Hello All!!
I cant believe that we are down to 15 sleeps till Rodney is back home with me…:-) This will be my last blog till at least the 17 or 18th of October, unless I can find a computer in Deer Lake….Can’t use dads cause its from the stone age of computers (which is only 7 years old). But I will try my best to blog before then, The internet will be gone on the 15 of September and my phone will be disconnected the 16th, didn’t see much point in having them if I’m in Newfoundland….if you need us call the cell 506-461-1840 or moms house 709-635-5615.
My trip to Manitoba was very nice & I know my way around pretty good now. The house is nice, just have to change the colour of the kitchen floor…you ya know im picky…lol.
A big thank you goes out Aunt Barbara and Uncle Ron for making my stay in Brandon so enjoyable, it will be great to have family close by.
I leave for Home Sweet Home on Friday so I Should get their Sat around noon, Im so excited …:-) Well that’s all I have for now talk to you all latter
Love Janis

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Well Hello Everyone, I have landed in MB safe and sound. And I Managed not to get lost on the Drive to Shilo & Brandon, I Got to see the new place but go back tomorrow to get a real look.

On The Ride out to Brandon I all most had a mild fit while driving ......I Saw a Giant Tiger!!!!!!! Holy Crap !!!! My GTE s are not going to be over as soon as I thought, although Rodney will now have to endure the pain of becoming GTE buddy...Don't worry Chandra he will never replace you :-)

Well every one I will keep you all posted on my trip out here, I went to Aunt Barbara's & Uncle Ron's to night & had a wonderful visit, it was great to see family.

Take Care
Love Janis

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Ron's Socks

Ron Wheeler is the New Manager of Kent in Fredericton and Every since Ron has been here he has all ways questioned my better judgment on my socks!!!

….Let me explain….

Every sine I had started up stairs in the office it is all most a daily ritual to take my shoes of as soon as I have sat behind my desk ….and for those who don’t see me all the time , lets just say it would be very hard to find a plain white pair of socks in my sock drawer.

…So not long after Ron arrived to be our new manager I had wore my pink plaid socks to work, and I just happened to be in Anita office when he caught a glimpse of my socks….he must have came back and forth to look at my socks at least five or six times that day each time saying “pink plaid?”. I Finally asked Ron if he would like his very own pair? He Replied that he wanted a Fuchsia pink pair with the toes…

So yester day being my last day I made Rods Dream come true …..I place a beautiful pair of pink striped (couldn’t find all fuchsia ) socks with toes on the back of his chair with a please wear me note attached …

Here is the photo……Thanks Ron for being such a great sport…you made my last day one to Remember!!!

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Frank & Georgina have a new Home!

Hi Guys,

just wanted to let ya all know that Frank and Georgina have found 2 new play pals and have decided to move into a new 2 storey apartment (located at Sharon's & Debbie's house)...the new fuzzes in there life are bo and pearl they met during a visit to Sharons and have been inseparable ever since . After much Resolve Rodney and I decided to let them spread their little legs and move in to the new apartment….

They have been there for almost 2 week now and they are having the best time of their little lives…they have a ball castle to bounce around in and even a wagon to go for a ride out side in....lol. I Must say I do miss my little fuzzes but I wouldn’t have it any other way now that I see them with more of their little friends . I have learnt that you must do what is best for you Kids even if they are of a more furry nature, I know that they will lead a more happier and exercised life at Sharon’s and Debbie’s house and I know I will always have contact with our little fuzzes.

I know that some people feel that is wrong to give up a pet and I was one of those people until I seen with my very own eyes that some times you have to do what is best for them. Rodney & I love our fuzzes but we are both very busy and just could not give them the quality of life that we wanted for them…even thought we would spend an hour or so a day with them to us that was not enough ..And we know that they will get hours more at the new apartment… we love you guys and thank you Sharron and Debbie for being so great.


Hey all? How is everyone doing ? All Is well here in Oromocto. Just wish the Rain would go away, It has Rain like Cats & dogs all night and so far today….Not that I don’t like the rain its just that it makes for much longer days …which I don’t need right now….But the good news is I am getting more and more excited to go to Manitoba.. I was talking to Lenore this morning and see how lives in Thunder Bay, so I will get to see here and the New twins… by the way Congratulation Lenore… her bundles of joy were born on Aug 12 and weighed in at 3 12 & 3 10. I will try to get a photo on here as soon as I can. It will be so great to see Lenore again I haven’t seen her in person Seven years…that crazy! And before our stop in Thunder Bay we have arranged a stop over In Petawawa to see Katie ( who is In labour as I type…)Mike, John & Christine , Chris & Sherry and all there little ones….May be we need two nights in Petawawa…lol

I think this will be the best move we have ever had … I guess it goes to show that even though military life moves you around all the time its not really that bad because you get to meet and make so many wonderfull Friends along the way. Just like the great friends I have met here in New Brunswick and I m sure it won’t be that long be we are traveling through and stopping by to say hello.

Well That’s my vent for today
Take Care everyone

Sunday, August 28, 2005

One month to go !!!!!

Holy crap I never thought this day would come.. Only one month to the day that Rodney comes home. We are getting so excited, we were on the phone last night and talking about how quickly the time is going bye now, before we know it we will be all settled in to out new house having Christmas dinner…crazy!

Me & Chandra are going on yet another Giant Tiger experience to day, we have to try and get as many of these in before we are ripped apart form our beloved Giant tiger…lol Chandra has already begun the shopping for her new place, I say her cause this time it will be her turf not her moving into his….finally no baseball hats on the bedroom wall…Or Scarface poster above the bed Like Rodney would want to have …I mean really what is it with men and their bedrooms ? Shouldn’t the bedroom be more like your very own get away. Not a live in sports bar?….Oh sorry I totally got off on a different path…Like I was saying we are both going to enjoy as many more GTE’s as we can…I will certainly miss my shopping buddy.

I can’t believe this will be my last week of work at Kent, we all had a wonderful night out Friday night although I must say I will miss going out with all the girls.

Well Take care everyone
Chat Later

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Well in in Just 35 more day Rodney will be Home good old Newfoundland. I can’t get over how fast the time has gone. The next four weeks will fly by, I finish up work on the 2nd of September the its off to Winnipeg on the 6th for five days to see our new place. I was speaking to Aunt Barbara last night (she lives in Brandon) and she & Ron gave me all the directions to get their so at least I won’t get lost.

We have accepted a full two story three bedroom with Garage. So I am very excited to see it, Rodney says I better take it cause of the garage …he will be in his glory, he already has plans to “put his car in there” and I’m Like What Car? ..lol. I don’t know Melisa Its seems I have found yet another line of attack in the women’s right for the remote…get the men a garage!!! Ha Ha! ya Know if we all team up together the remote will soon be the woman’s…buy the way mellisa don’t for get about tomorrow night.

Tomorrow night will be yet another night out for all us girls, ya got to love these …we are all going out kinda as a going away party for Chandra and myself. So I will be sure to update on that.

Well TTFN talk to you all later Take Care

Saturday, August 20, 2005

MR Fix It :-)

I have to say a big thank you so my Dad for being my Mr Fix it for a week, Dad did everything from mow the lawn to fix the truck and trailer lights. I at one point during the week had asked “Dad could you fix it?” only to here him say “I can fix anything, it may cost ya $100 bucks for parts but I can fix it”…..lol it was then I knew I was a very lucky girl to have my Mr Fix it and I think every girl should have one. The best part was the part only cost $30...lol. So a big thank you goes to my Dad, you will always be my Mr fix it and I would never have it any other way I love you very much and no other Mr fix it will ever do.

Love Janis

Friday, August 19, 2005

Well Sorry its been so long since my last blog but I have been very busy and Enjoying having company.. Mom & Dad came up with me for a week, We have a great visit with each other. We went to Saint John where me and Mom Got to shop at Old Navy. & to the Hopewell Rocks and walked on the oceans floor. I think Mom and I must have went in to every store in Fredericton and Oromocto…lol. The dogs were in heaven with there grandma here getting treats very morning. It was certainly a good week for all of us. It was sad to see them leave but it will only be a month till I get home to Newfoundland to see everyone
Rodney Is also doing well, He is happy that there are only 5 weeks left, we have started the move process and we put in for a PMQ (House) in Shilo I should hear back from that on Monday, One we have the house I will be going to Manitoba for 5 days to see the house and the area. The only things that bother me is having to Dive in Winnipeg by myself and not having Rodney with me. But I’m sure I will be fine.
Well that’s it for now take care everyone.
Love Janis

Monday, August 01, 2005

Just a blog :-)

Just thought I’d Sit and blog about random stuff…lol , I and went through a bit of a block but then all of a sudden today I feel like I could blog forever, I guess It goes in spurts.
I at first thought that only crazy people like myself and chandra bloged ..lol but I have found out that that is not the case Last week while on break with melisa I found Out that she also blogs, we were like to school kids who just found out that they won tickets to a concert ..lol.
Only 5 more sleeps till Mom & Dad get here, that will be very exciting for me to have company besides animals in the house…lol I will be taking a few days off work to enjoy time with then ..and of course some shopping with Mom.

Rodney received his pictures of buster and he prefers the new Buster.. I will attach the before and after for you all to see. Rodney is doing well on his course and we are almost half way there, I just wish they (the army) would issue our posting message, even though we know we are going to Manitoba we I still have to wait for the message be for I cam go on my trip out there to get a place to live. One we get our message I am sure time will go even faster.

Well I guess that’s enough for today , Take care everyone

Love Janis

Congrats Brada & Chris !!!!

A big congrats to Brada and Chris on the new arrival of Baby Braden Christopher Hale who a made his appearance on July 28th , We wish you all the best.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Kent Party !!

Well another weekend down , another party down, This weekend was Our weekend to say goodbye to our Assistant manager Aaron, He is now the Manager of another Kent store...So Congratulation, and we will all miss you. I guess Steve will have to be the one to handle the cranky customers I put through......LOL.
We all went to Joanna's then to Krystal's then of to the Rocking Rodeo again. Its been Great having so many close friends down here to go out with especially since Rodney is away. It will be very hard to leave them all behind come September, I guess that has to be the only down fall of the military life. But then again it also is good because you get to meet so many different people that you end up with friends all over Canada.

Rodney is doing well and still wishing it was the last week of his course, the Crazy nut and his friend NEWF drove 3 hrs (in total) yesterday for Mary Browns...I guess ya gotta do what ever ya can to keep yourself busy up there.
Today is going to be a relaxing one Chandra and I are going to go to Wal-Mart with Sarah, then Maybe the pool on base.
Well Take Care Everyone
Talk to you all later
Love Janis

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

One Month Down :-)

One month down and only two more to go; Then Rodney will be home ….before ya know it I’ll be counting the sleeps….We chat every night and he is doing well, they have started a different type of truck and only has one more type to do. He is looking forward to our trip to Newfoundland in September so that should make the time go by faster. We are planning on just going as far as the cabin the first night and getting up the next morning to go to Woody Point. Mom and Dad Crocker Have said that they will come out to the cabin for a night with us, so we are looking forward to spending some time with them. Well that’s my blog for today, I will try to write every second day or so cause not enough happens each day ….But I will try my best….Take care everyone :-)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Welcome to Janis & Rodneys Blog

Hello Everyone,

Just thought I would take the time to create our very own blog to keep every one updated on Rodney and I . Please Keep in touch with us, we love to hear from all of you .

Love Janis & Rodney

Babs, Buster & Cinder

Here are three of our four legged kids..lol (ltR)Babs and Buster are 6 years old and Cinder is 1 1/2 and still full of puppy love.

Tiza & Tizer

Well first let me explain the names... Tiza stands for tiz -a- cat and Tizer stands for Tiz-er-friend.... Bet ya can't guess who came up with those names...Tiza was our fist fluffy feline, she came to just while Rodney was home on leave from bosnia. and Tizer just came to us last summer while we were fostering her and her 5 babys. She just became part of the family.

Frank & Georgina

Last but not least, We have frank and Greogina our ferrets. Any one who knows Rodney well knows that he always wanted ferrets and well ya all know he married the one who would never say no to having animals..lol We got Georgina as a Rescue from the spca in ontairo and ofcourse He just could see her being all alone so we had to get her a boyfriend thats when frank came into the picture.

Manitoba here we come !!!

Well As you all know Rodney has been away on his OT which mean we had to be posted again ! We have been told that it is Shilo Manitoba, We have been hearing mixed reviews on this place, it seems to be love it or hate it ...... But No matter what you have to go with the mind set that you are going to enjoy it. We are both very excited to go some where new and see new things so we are sure we will be in the love it group... We will be moving during the first or second week of October...But we are going home for a visit first, I Will arrive in Deer Lake on the 23rd and Rodney flight comes in at midnight on the 28th ....There will be one excited girl at the deer lake airport that night I tell ya...lol

Girls Gone Wild....He He

Well July 15th was an anniversary I will not forget, Since it was Our 5th the girls though it to be a good Idea to hit the town…and that we did.
First we went to Melanie’s house for a few drinks then went to The Rodeo \ Sweetwater’s where we danced the night away, I’ am very thankful that Rodney Called at 4am so I was able to take some t3’s and hit the sac again to wake up hangover free…lol.
I’d Like to thank all the girls for having such a great night out with me and we will have to be sure to do it again be for I move …

Hope you like the photos…:-)